It's Saturday and it's- post-something-relaxing-day!

in #teammalaysia4 years ago (edited)

Hei Hivers! I need not remind you that it's the weekend! Go out there and have fun! Or be relaxed and have a rest day because you deserved it!

Every once in a while, it is nice to post something relaxing. You know, something that does not require technicalities and deep thoughts. Post something simple and clean. I know some Hivers give their best to post over the top quality posts and I respect that. Spending time to create that original post and great content what makes Hive an authentic and fun space to be! But, it's weekend and get your self and loosening-up day!


Hence here is my relaxing post. None other than, my dearest little princess! All photos are taken using B612 (I'm loving this app!) and my camera is using Samsung Note 8 (I'm an android lover!)


My most fav baby shirt! Look at her!

Here is some silly but cute photo of her and I do hope you enjoy because I did (Lol)





Have enough of her? No, I don't! Here's a few more!



Wear your mask people!


Okay I promise one more!


And there you have it! My most relaxing post today. Try not to be too stressed when creating content. It should be fun right? There's a reason Hive is called a Web 3.0 social media right? Remember the roots making content and that is HAVING FUN!

Happy Weekend Hivers!


hahahha such a cutie!

Thanks! I wonder where she get that look from? Lol

I'm sure she got it from both mummy and daddy! <3 The filtered photos are so funny <3

Ikr, thanks!

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