How to be a real rockstar.....almost

in #teamsouthafrica6 years ago (edited)


There was a time when 4 guys got together to start jamming in a room, typical stuff actually. One had been in the music industry fixing guitars and generally the rest were there just to have some fun.

So the playing is great fun, feeling like you're part of something as you learn to play other peoples music's quite a rush when it starts to sound decent, in a little room where everything is mashed together like dad's supper!
Rock and roll baby!

There were no thoughts of really being heard, no plans to do so either....but that just takes a a few months of playing together before someone suggests this could be a possiblity.
And so the journey little new years party, some positive reviews from mostly friends and family (always the case), and so we start the journey.

Now let me tell you, getting someone you don't know to be willing to pay money to get you to entertain their patrons is NOT easy work. Just ask @awgbibb how difficult that task can be...he was the bassist!
People also need to understand that no matter how good you think you have become with all the practice and fun, it is not the same as performing to people expecting you to be great....the voice is not as good as you think it is, the playing is not as tight as you imagined, and it takes quite some time before the chemistry actually starts to happen.
That's why, these little establishments that give the starting musicians a chance are the real heroes in the music industry.
Shout out to all those guys!! Justin Singing.jpg

It was in a very real sense, pub crawling....taking any place that would accept us, and playing for less money than it cost to get the equipment there....but those things are important for any band, trust me! Eventually when you have enough to offer the larger establishments, you can pick and choose, and get paid what you believe you're worth, and not what they are willing to pay.
Now I've seen many bands come and go during my stint in the industry as we were doing well as a band for around 8 years straight, and some of the things that I could not stand about it, are as below:

  1. as soon as they get a little interest, their attitudes change and they become prima donnas....I mean really? Trust me, as soon as you stop, the crowd will replace're not special
  2. Because alcohol and sometimes food are free, they act like they have never had the stuff before. Although, with the work ethic of some of these guys, that may the only food they've eaten in a week :). Seriously though, take it from a guy who has never had an alcoholic drink in his life, there is no need to do this!
  3. Work ethic...there is very little of that amongst most of these guys. If it's not playing an instrument, they consider it as below them. There is a lot more to the music industry than playing the instruments, a lot more. Keep learnign new stuff, keep expanding your repertoire
  4. Thinking that the music is enough. It's great to want to sell yourself as a muso, and often times these guys are quite introverted, BUT it is part of the entertainment industry, and you need to be willing to entertain! Show the people you are having fun doing what you love
    Having fun Band fun.jpg
  5. Often times you need to work as well as play music to make ends meet. Because some are only doing music, they become, how do you call it, shnoops! In South Africa these are like beggars, always taking and never giving.
  6. Girls! They can break up bands. They can bring in some real drama. With the new attention bands get from girls, they can really stuff up their lives by chasing every skirt
  7. Don't be a jerk!! Just don't

Anyway, so back to this little band Sandbox, this is what we called ourselves.....we started getting quite good....and the crowds, and the establishments started showing it by the feet through the doors. Exactly what a little cover band needed to do to keep their jobs. And now the few original songs we had on the repertoire were being heard by a few 100 people every month.
As a matter of interest, we were about to go on stage for our very first live performance when I turned around to the band and asked, what do we call ourselves?? Each guy put in a few suggestions, and Sandbox was the one we chose....not very professional.

Some pictures from one of the performances. One of them was Halloween.
Firkin crowd 2.jpg

Firkin crowd.jpg

So I reckon I will add a few posts as a follow up to the list that I see any aspiring musician can learn from. And there is money to be made by working the industry. Very few actually start to make money from sales of music, but more from working in entertainment areas, helping them pull in feet through the door. And you hone your craft in a large way in these places.

There is so much to talk about in this world, perhaps in a future post or 2.

Good luck to you


Really it's true

Yup. you seen it too?

Remember collecting you from Work in Midrand and towing the trailer full of Equipment, stopping under a Bridge to cover with Tarpaulin , to prevent Water Damage?,( I think on way to Due East.)

you are a really great person who is boosting other people to grow up,
and hope you will show same support to this steemian, who does always bring something different for you people...

Ja I have some great memories of those days....old bakkie we were worried about breaking down, then the Kadett that wasn't really big enough for the weight of the trailer.....eish but we survived!!
And then of course the late night Wimpy visits haha!!

Hey again, quick question, can you share music on here? Or only video and pics?

Pretty Sure you can do Music, will investigate and get back to you.

Hey Al, any luck with adding Music to this platform?

I see some people are posting using Soundcloud , others just a Photo on Youtube with the track and Steemit has Dtube ( like YouTube ) and there is also Dsound which appears to be Audio only.

Thank you!

ha ha ha! really that is very amazing. your sharing story is so nice. thanks for sharing & supported you

Thanks mate, appreciate your comment

waw so nice your post

Thank you

owo its beautifull excellant writing dear @towjam
thanks fo share

Howdy, thank you for was a good time

mavilious post love it cracking!love the music great to hear

I will write a post with the music added at some stage...hope it will take

So nice poste i like it

Glad you liked it. Keep well

this is a really amazing post to read because music is the way to entertain yourself anytime like it is our companion of loneliness,
would that I could be there...

Yes it is definitely the escape for many a person in the world....take it up then. Playing it is a different escape to just listening....really is :)

Excellent post

Thank you

Great post, the flaws you highlighted are very true and common among musicians. I wish we could all learn from past mistakes of ours and others too. It takes self discipline to become a real rockstar.

Yup, for most musos its a tough thing to get the break you desire, and often times the setup and team youre with just doesnt cut it. But you will have fun along the way

Excellent post my friend!thank,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Any time mate...have a great day

thank you for sharing it because I always listens the song or try to recover through the music.

Me either controls my mood a lot, or helps calm me if needed. I love ALL good music

wonderful post i just love to watch this post...good to see you all
you are oustanding explain this post so easly
enjoy a lot22286114_147932662609168_4499690133389312000_n.gif

Dankie (means thank you in Afrikaans). Was a fun time of my life, where I did things I never usually do

I couldn´t agree more. I think you pointed some excellent recommendations for musicians who wish to succeed. Would most of them think about these recommendations? Probably not.....

That's a good question....I think some would, but the starlight (as mentioned in Muses samenamed song) is a strong drawcard and often eats up good and innocent musos.
I hope they take that seriously