Finding Home Away from Home

in #teamuk2 months ago

Hey there! Have you ever traveled or experienced the whole "moving to a new country" thing? It can be a wild ride, right? It's either like, "Wow, this place is amazing!" or begin talking about how you really miss home. The moment you begin to miss home, this monster homesickness will now begin to get hold of you.

I think we can all appreciate the fact that home is home. That feeling of belonging never really goes away, no matter how many beautiful things you get to have at a new place. My first year in the UK? ROUGH. It felt like I was on a different planet 😂

New country, new school, new job, new flat, new everything. And let's not even get me started on the culture shock. People in the UK are awesome!, but definitely different from back home. It took some time to adjust to the lifestyle here, the way they live, the food (fish and chips 🍟 😋), and just how things work in general.

But, hey, guess what? I kind of figured it out! It took some time, though, but I'm used to life here now. Still, there are definitely days when I miss that whole "home experience." The funny thing is, I thought I was the only one who had this kind of feeling until I made friends from different places around the world.

My friends from Nigeria, China, India, Pakistan, Philippines and Poland felt the same. We all miss that feeling of familiarity, you know. Have you ever had that experience before? Have you ever traveled far? Did the homesickness monster get you?

Who did you miss the most; friends, siblings, parents, who did you miss? And, most importantly, what amazing thing did you experience back home that you wish you could do again right now? Share with me if you've ever felt the same or if I'm just alone on this journey.


Hello friend I totally understand you, personally when I left home for a while I was very homesick, I missed my parents, the streets of my city and everything in general, although one is adapting to the places you always carry within you those memories, emotions and experiences that only where we grew up we can feel. I hope you continue to flow well in your new home and that you can feel the warmth of good people. Best regards!

Homesickness can be a real pain and It's like carrying a whole suitcase full of memories wherever you go, unpacking a little bit each day. Glad that I'm now use to my new environment, but from time to time I do miss a lot at home. Thanks for stopping by and for sharing your experience with me
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What I missed the most when I lived in Germany for 6 months was the food I was used to at home. It was also funny seeing my regular American food listed in the "imported" section in supermarkets for the first time. That was a hilarious surprise to many of us Yanks.

While I dearly love the US, England (and the UK in general), has got to be my favorite place on Earth. I'm glad that I got to spend a precious 24 hours in Birmingham England on my way to the continent (that city is a true melting pot, but I forgot to try fish and chips, so of course I have to go back!).

And who knows, I may even get to join you digital nomads in one day settling there for good, as the British people are so amazing. Best wishes in your journey to a new life in "Blighty" :)