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RE: Finding Home Away from Home

in #teamuklast month

What I missed the most when I lived in Germany for 6 months was the food I was used to at home. It was also funny seeing my regular American food listed in the "imported" section in supermarkets for the first time. That was a hilarious surprise to many of us Yanks.

While I dearly love the US, England (and the UK in general), has got to be my favorite place on Earth. I'm glad that I got to spend a precious 24 hours in Birmingham England on my way to the continent (that city is a true melting pot, but I forgot to try fish and chips, so of course I have to go back!).

And who knows, I may even get to join you digital nomads in one day settling there for good, as the British people are so amazing. Best wishes in your journey to a new life in "Blighty" :)