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RE: How did your Christmas go?

in #teamuk6 months ago

Hello, P!

Funny to read out that the gift exchange it is also a thing that you didn't put in practice this year. I just did the same. I haven't but anything besides the gift for my goddaughter. I arranged with her mother, since I'm not close by... she bought some clothes, and I splited the bill with her.
Got a call from them yesterday, and she said that my goddaughter was very pleased with the clothes, since she was taken to buy them 😅

I gifted my mother a natural plant. I bought her the Peace lily (not sure if this is the correct translation), and she said that today the flowers started to blossom! Best coincidence ever.

My brother need some socks... yeah? Socks, can you imagine that... ahaha and it was very simple, since he likes dark and sober colours.

But for me, the best part of Xmas, it is to share time and a warm meal... simple... getting older has this effect on me. Keep things simple and without any unnecessary distress.

Thank you for sharing your Christmas day with us! Loved to see @Zirochka surprise!


You did end up buying presents for your closest and loved ones!!! Even though they're not big massive expensive presents, it's the thought that counts especially if it is something they like. Socks are actually very good presents, not something I would normally think of as presents. But zirochka sent a couple of pairs over in her package, they're in between the red box and the chocolate. They were so soft and Christmassy!

Are you taking time off this week or back to your long shift work already?

I love socks! When I was younger it was a shame gift in my perspective, but as I get older, I like to receive things that are useful and memorable. I have a "small" collection of Xmas themed socks (about 6 of them), and I use them during the weeks before Xmas :) It reminds me the essencial things in live... Strange, right? How can an pair of socks have that "effect" 😅

This week, between Xmas and New Year's I'm working at "full time". I already have planned a short weekend off in the first week of February :)