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RE: I finally got a Macbook Pro!

in #tech • 2 years ago (edited)

Love that machine! You only need the charger very occasionally, pretty amazing battery life 🧡

And is you want to become a power user, you should dive into using the terminal! So many unix tools out there that you can use!


Yeah so impressed with the battery life too even when Photoshop and iMovie apps are open! I didn't even hear the fan start working yet, pretty amazing on how it stays cool too.

Ohh codes are quite hard for me to understand hahah but maybe someday I will!

I own a 2016 macbook with an intel cpu and a recently replaced battery and an M1 that I got through work. Although they are more or less the same machine, the M1 has about double the battery life and I almost never hear the fan go off. I even found myself googling at some point to find out if perhaps it didn't even have a fan :p Pretty amazing indeed!