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RE: WTForecast, the best weather app with a fucking attitude

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

Bad Word Regulation Association Informs

Did you just say the word fuck? I'll have you know that this word is evil and harmful for society. Please refrain from using that or we will have to regulate your speech by force.

Did you know...?

In 1997, a man named Darren Gobbinson broke his own arm by screaming the word fuck at the top of his lungs. The Bad Word Regulation Association ran a series of studies on the phenomenon and found that the word is linked with events previously considered to be supernatural regarding the behaviour of the world around us. Reality, as we know it, has changed and we must act upon this knowledge.

Please tell your friends, don't fucking say fuck anymore or y'all gonna die.


😂, it's been awhile dear @cryptosharon.
I hope you still remember me 😔!

Sup, Jesse! I do remember you :) Hiii

Thanks dearie.
I'm 😎 good,

My mood can easily be described with this picture. I've been very happy these last few days, but I have stayed at home most of the time on Steemit. :3

😂 lol....
@cryptosharon ain't lazy nah nah
I'm glad you're doing really great dear.... How's your family too?