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RE: Would I Do It Again? Tesla Model 3 - One Year Ownership Review

in #tesla10 months ago

We are looking for a new vehicle right now and my wife just can't get over the way the Tesla's look. She is kind of picky about what she wants in a car. This sounds like it would tick a lot of the boxes, but I think I have shared why we probably wouldn't get one. We just drive it too much. I think we are looking at another Buick. I wish they had a decent hybrid, I wouldn't be opposed to that. Maybe clear coating the paint was going to add too much weight to the car so they had to skimp :) I'm a pretty aggressive driver, so I would love to have the tech that slows you down or stops you before you get in an accident. I have never rear ended someone, but it has been close a couple times. I seriously think that tech should be standard in all cars now.


They definitely aren't everyone's cup of tea and Buick makes a wonderful vehicle from what I've read. I agree that the safety tech should be made standard. I think as we see this new generation of vehicles hit the market consumers will force automakers to do this.

I hope so, it really needs to be there at this point. Especially with the way people drive these days!

Oh man, that's the truth! I feel like driving just gets in the way of most people's screentime now. We live on the 5th floor of our building and when I'm on the balcony it's astonishing how many people I see with their phones on their laps with their heads down.

Michigan just passed a law where to can't even have your phone in your hand if you are driving. If I win that Powerball, I am hiring a driver. I'll be done with driving. 😃

We have that law here too but it's just not enforced. Haha, I tell my wife all the time that I just don't enjoy driving anymore, especially in the city. I just don't believe some of the stuff we see. We were nearly side swiped by a city bus last week and that wasn't the first time.

That's horrible. People are just nuts these days. I can't believe how many people fly past me when I am going seven over on the expressway.

We just drive it too much.

How much is too much? :-)

The only problem I can see is when you don't have a way to charge while you sleep.

Enough that the upfront cost is not worth it. Add to that the fact that my wife doesn't like the way they look and it's end of discussion.

the fact that my wife doesn't like (...) and it's end of discussion.

That's the part that I can understand ;-)