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RE: The Wild World of EV Ownership

in #teslalast year

I think on your side of the pond they come with a standard CCS connector but in North America they have the smaller Tesla connector. The j1772 is the most common connector for Level 2 here and the adapter is small and easy to use. Tesla fought hard to make their proprietary connector the world standard but got lots of push back. We live in a condo building so I'll have to wait until the HOA green lights the project to add EV charging options to our underground garage. It's looking like this is going to take a couple of years. I'll have to decide if I can wait that long or not.


That sounds too long, its a difficult one. I will have to look into it for here, as I said Iwill be due to get a new car at some point. Mine is a smokey old beast!

Yeah, it is a conundrum. I've thought of trading it in for a hybrid but after driving this it just feels like taking a step back. What do you drive?

I drive an old Nissan qashqai. I mean I think that's the spelling, too this day I am unsure.

It's a great car but the mileage is awful and I know it's bad for the environment. I own it though she's it feels good not to have to pay for it each month so I am kinda determined to drive the beast till it don't drive no more!