
German Shepherd!!!!!
Bark bark!!!


Beautiful man ;)
I’m trying to convince Guru to become white colored, she is on the way ;)


Actually I had some crazy gal try to steal my dog today.

She tried to hit me with a rock so I threw a rock back and whacked her in the ankle.

Police apparently appreciate tweakers getting what they deserve.

I can't believe she was trying to take my dog and anything else she could get a hold of.

Wow 😯
There are crazy people out there;)
Namaste 🙏

Well that's the best part I'm trying to be a non-violent person because it is a choice.

I choose to be non-violent because I can be.

Huge difference than being nonviolent because you're no threat.

And hopefully this will help that young lady into changing her behavior

Same as you I practice non-violence ...
But I always think that someone will eat it just because of Guru...
Especially when I'm around nature and someone tells me to keep the dog on a leash...
Namaste :)

There is a big difference between practicing nonviolence because you are really good at violence and are trying to behave and encourage good in the world.

Rather than somebody who says that they are not violent because it is a choice. They choose to be non-violent and somehow make this a cornerstone of their life however they have no practical experience with violence and have no ability to be violent so it is like defeating the purpose and not getting the point...

And I am trying to protect my dog and deal with the situations myself instead of relying on my dog and having him get into trouble for protecting us I will just do it..

To me I got to protect my dog.

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