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RE: Sabotaged by a Fire Extinguisher Bracket, a Clinical Waste Bag and a Cat with a Hitler Moustache that Didn't Want its Picture Taken!

in #thailifelast year

Thank you! The DSM-5 is rarely opened but does sometimes get a look when we have a difficult autism case. The problem is that we are not doctors so cannot diagnose, only evaluate and then we need to provide reference to parents. Parents often come to therapy or for an evaluation before seeing doctors as they don't want their kids to have an official medical record of autism or ADHD etc and that's a good thing in most cases as it's extremely rare that we'd ever suggest a kid needing drugs to help. General doctors are clueless when it comes to these conditions and often just send the parents away with a subscription for ritalin and tell them to call us anyway so we simply cut out the middleman so to speak!

Buddhism is just a byword for superstition and spirits. The Thais just love this stuff lol you can buy little, or huge, spirit houses that sit in the garden.
Their lives revolve around appeasing spirits, making merit and trying their hardest not to be reborn as something horrible! It's totally potty!

You have a great weekend and I hope the abstinence from the evil little white sticks is going well :-)
