An Open Leter (please read)

in #thanks5 years ago

There is some sort of conflict comming, and I want the side that I am on to win by a large margin. If we look at the revolutionary war (war for independence) we will see that the battle lines were not 50/50, that is to say that 50% of the American people were not in favor of Amercia becoming an independent nation and 50% of the people were not wanting to remain British. The numbers were somithing like 2% of Amercians wanted to become an independent nation and like 4% wanted to remain British. What I want us to look at is the majority of people (94-95%) just wanted to be left alone. A real world example might be that there are 10 guys in a circle and 2 of them starts disrespecting JESUS CHRIST, I am offended and I jump on the loud mouths. Now by myself the loudmouths might overpower me, but if while I am charging the loudmouths I can convince the other guys in the circle to join me, then there is a much greater chance that the outcome of the fight will be much diffrent. When I write I try to give information that will stop folks from riding the fence.

Have you ever thought about the fact that satisticly there are not that many people pushing for a homosexual culture. If you polled sensible folks, I would immagine that at least 50-60% of the people think that it is crazy to have 23 diffrent genders. So what is going on? In my oppinion it was like there was a circle of ten guys, two of the guy started to say how they were going to change things. I became offended and I jumped on the guys. While I was in the process of getting my clock cleaned (that means being beat up) Some other guys started heading my way and were saying how they did not think that it was a good idea to change the way society views gender (thats where we are at right now) If you want me to guess what will happen next, I would say that I suppose if thoes two loudmouths do not put me down (and I do not suppose they will) then there will be some sort of conflict.

But I want to take this time to say thank you to the men and women are stopping and questioning the obvious story. (In this case the obvious story is the story that is being told by the main stream news outlets) Almost 2.5 years ago I joined with the goal of raising what I have called a moral army. And I am proud of people for standing up...This is not just the U.S.A. vs the new world order, instead all around the world men and women are standing up and the new world order is getting there lunch handed to them. I feel that in 50 years (if the LORD allows) people will say to me 'what were you doing when the new world order was defeated' to that question I can say 'I was on the front lines!'....Thank You to the men and women that stood with the way in 2020 Donald Trump will be elected, do not elect 98-99% of democrats and only elect about 52% of republicans!

People can either like what I said or they can just pass by, but please share this message with others!



I'm mostly sidelined anymore but I still read some on steemit.

I believe that the Government is dug in ... Gorilla warfare was and is the only resource.

The left knows that.

But war is fought on many fronts. Information wars are waged regularly.

You're right about the revolution era. Change, or no change is caused or not caused by the few it seems.

I will resteem this in support and upvote as well. Infowars has a community it seems.

Are you plugged in?

Posted using Partiko Android


I statement that I sometimes refrence is 'If you make peaceful protest impossible then you have just made violent protest inevitable!' I am a GOD fearing peace loving man, but I am going to try to be honest, I almost imagine the left high fiveing themselves because they managed to delete my profile on facebook....sarcastically I will say congratulations folks you have won the battle but also mandated a war.