30DAYS Music Challenge: Wake UP

Hey guys, on my 5th entry for this challenge, i decided to talk about something thay's been on my mind for quite some time now.

I often times feel that we ain't doing much to help the younger generation and I keep on asking myself:

Why is there more vices in the world than before?

Why does it seem that there is nobody to teach this generation what we were taught, that made to do the little we can do to make this world a better place?

why has this world changed so much, so much war, poverty and so much hatred?

Is it that nobody cares about what happens to them or what they do with this world even if were are gone?

Or we are sleeping too much?

John Legend's Wake Up, says a lot in what we have to do and that is we wake up. It has rally inspired me and charged me to do more. It is about time we wake up, no more back thinking, thinking about the past which is long gone, that moment we won't live in ever again in our lives, and start thing ahead, about the future, the moment we will be living in, in the next second, the next day, the next week, the next year, start thinking about how we are going to leave this world onto the generation after us.

What values are we instilling in them. The goo morals we were given by our folks or we are just going to be in bed, sleep and live like we careless. It is about time we wake up to help ease the pain someone in a war-torn country is going through, help the poor and love one another.

It is about time, we wake up.
Teachers teaching the new way, lawyers standing for justice, Doctors saving lives , Preachers practicing what they are preaching, builders building a new way.

Wake up all the teachers, time to teach a new way
Maybe then they'll listen to what you have to say
Cause they're the ones who's coming up, and the world is in their hands
When you teach the children, teach them the very best you can

As you listen to the song, I hope you wake up from from sleep, start thinking ahead and teaching the new way.

I want us to get by but we're more then consumers
We're more than shooters, more than looters
Created in his image, so God live through us
And even in this generation living through computers
Only love, love, love can reboot us

Have a nice and a wonderful weekend.


Great message @enoch158 !!! Totally agree, we have to guide are youth more....

I'm glad you see it that way too

I think this message should go to everyone, people need to wake up from slumber and realise that things are not how they are supposed to be. The generation coming have to be taught the ways of a true Human. That's the only way to change the world. To impact positively in the minds of the youth and the young ones.

I'm glad you feel that way, teaching the ways if true humans.

Thank you dear friend @enoch158 for always sharing a message to help others and also make us reflect on some aspect of our lives. Blessings

you are welcome.
I'm glad to always share what i feel and inspire others