Ignorance is Bliss. Blissful ignorance is Frustrating. Shutting my Mouth is Hard to Do.

in #thoughts3 years ago

These are some of my interactions this week at work.

The lack of knowledge that people have is quite frustrating to me, and to them.
They stick to their logic until you pop it with facts. At that point, they don't want to hear and walk off in a huff.
It leaves me pondering, "Why the Fuck do I even enter into these conversations?".

Trump was the worst

Ummm, to me they are all war criminals and psychopaths.
Then you spew out all of the evil behaviour of the previous Presidents, how they are all following the same narrative, with the same level of impunity for their actions.
And yes, Trump is a little different but just the same.
I sum up Trump as the embodiment of the American way.


Yes, the continuous injection of money, expansion of derivatives & fractional reserve lending, just keeps pushing the cost of everything up.
In the book, Creature from Jekkyl Island, inflation is the worst of hidden taxes. It steals the wealth from those at the bottom & destroys the middle classes.

Why do you think there are asset bubbles? Why are the Billionaires making more and more?

But the cry is, "But what can I do?" ... and it is not an easy answer. We, the majority, even with our societal tiering, don't really have the wealth to steer our own ship in general.

Silver is the cheapest commodity

I'd buy some if you have any spare cash. You never know how it will go.
"Oh, well I don't really understand any of that stuff. It is too complicated for me. I can't afford it anyway."
Ok, but, it doesn't hurt to squirrel a small amount away. It might help you out someday. How much do you spend going out on the weekend?


Anyway, I gifted a delightful Silver Dolphin to help them begin.

Everyone should get vaccinated

Umm, history shows that when we do too much of any one thing, we all pay.
Overdoing agriculture, introducing species (such as the Cane Toad), usage of DDT and other chemicals, swamping the world with cheap plastics, over fishing and so on...

I like the Libertarian perspective of letting people make their own decisions. Also, I like the idea of Science working on the ins and outs of things.

Covid infection rate is not super high, there could be other agendas. The fact we are fast forwarding things without any allowance for discussion, particularly, since the "Lab Theory" couldn't be stifled anymore. Let us take a deep breath.

Remember the WMD is Iraq, they were invaded because of it, and yet, there was total denial, misdirection, and no one is to blame. Smells like dirty laundry to me - what is that old adage, "Just follow the money..."

I say other agendas, as around September 2019 I saw that the Financial System was at crisis point. I said to my boss at the time, we need a World War or something to reset things. Then I saw a Bird Flu scare in Hong Kong, and I went, it could be a pandemic!

Deep Breath and Engage Less

I need to be more mirthful to the commentary of people who have no historical context.
Zipping my mouth is not easy for me. I get triggered on certain topics.

Thanks for perusing my diatribe.


I really wonder how these people survive in life.

They are actually very capable, hard working, caring and wonderful people.
They make me enjoy my life because of their sincerity & generosity to me.
Our lives are comfortable and to think of nefarious psychopathic narcissists is a deeply disturbing line of thinking. Alot of evil stuff is censored from us. Propaganda distorts. 🍻

Be kind. Love those around you. Be a better person. 🌞🌞🌞