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RE: Jesus tape saves

in #thoughts3 years ago

I'd say try to be careful she doesn't develop ocd but you may be too late XD

The duct tape looks like it's holding up fine, it even matches the colour of your car :D Hope it holds til you can get it fixed properly!

Language type changes the way the brain functions and processes the world to some degree and having multiple languages is similar to being able to take two perspectives simultaneously. Even if they are only slightly apart, it is like having two eyes, that allow us to see with in stereo and determine depth of field

This seems to be a thing. I'm learning a bunch at the moment and it's already doing awkward things to my brain. Wish I was native in more than one language but alas my parents received incorrect information when we were younger and so my sister and I are boringly monolingual and trying to catch up now XD


I'd say try to be careful she doesn't develop ocd but you may be too late XD

I have worried about this since before she was one :D

Wish I was native in more than one language but alas my parents received incorrect information when we were younger and so my sister and I are boringly monolingual and trying to catch up now

We had the opportunity in my family, not the will of parents either. I think the stance was "WE are in Australia, why speak anything else?" :D

Did someone call?

I guess back in those days they didn't see the benefits for work and travel XD

Which is weird, since my dad was an immigrant :D