
Is it possible to add features for streaming Hive or Hbd into the value for value thing?

Its so awsome that when one streams sats on a new podcast app while lisstening to a threespeakvideo it will be paid out in hive but it only works in and not out. We could make some waves when implementing this feature, because we are decentralized and lightning is not.
Hope it is understandable hahaha
Greez 🍻

Somehow I can not vote, it is loading for ever, and while watching a video it would be cool if the video keeps playing when someone enters a comment.
No critic, just feedback my friend, keep up the amazing work all of you do!
Thank you team freedom!
Edit: I just tryed to publish a comment and it did not work either, just loads.

Wow this is so amazing. I will download it. Thanks for the upgrading

Thanks for the update I’ll download it

Thank you so much for this great update

I’d surely update my threespeak application
Thank you for sharing

Thank you so much for sharing an update but I'm not able to accept discord invitation and not getting support by team.