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RE: Tin Foil Raps 2 - Guided by the Beauty of Our Weapons

in #tinfoilraps6 years ago (edited)

I welcome your critique, and you make some good points. It is very important that children in the US education system are taught to use critical thinking skills, absolutely. They should question authority and be taught to see through the layers of indoctrination in both the media and schools. This is not something that can happen overnight, we're talking about literally decades of cultural and social engineering.

But this IS a way of communicating to the average person.
This piece is not about 'blame', this is about seeing through propaganda. I hope you can see that.
The way to begin the process your talking about often occurs through seeing through the lies of one topic that can lead to a greater realization as it extends to the system of control.

Brietbart!!?? lol
Rest assured, i agree that it is not a good source for information.
If you bothered to read the header it says IMAGE CRED. LOL


I read the header. In fact i read the piece thoroughly. That said I appreciate your response and I am aware of what you are doing. I will definitely look into you other piece. PEACE.