Seeing the Beauty of Bandung from the Elevation at Night

in #tour6 years ago

Bandung - When the sun returns to the bed, Bandung is even more fascinating. The city lights are on, this is the best spot to enjoy Bandung from the heights.

Light thousands of lights even more, making the view of Bandung more beautiful at night. No wonder people call it Bandung City Light.

The view of Bandung City Light is clearly displayed above the altitude located in North Bandung Area (KBU), precisely in the area, Dago, Punclut and Cimenyan.

To see the view of Bandung City Light you do not need to spend deeply. Just look for hills around Dago, Punclut and Cimenyan you can see the beauty of the lights that exist around Bandung Raya.

Monitoring detikTravel, last week, Bandung City Light landscape seen hill located in Kampung Ciburial, Village / District Cimenyan, Regency Bandung, West Java.

"Not only in the daytime, Bandung is more beautiful at night with a view of the glow of the light," said Dedes Dwiani (24) citizens of Bandung.

The view of Bandung City Light will look beautiful if the weather is not raining and the sky will be bright due to the light generated by thousands of lights.

"It's a good view, especially if the weather supports, I often play with friends, usually on Saturday or Sunday," he said.