The color of success is what color you are

in #tr6 years ago

what color

Choosing the right color for research on the effects of colors on human psychology affects the success line. Which color you need to choose for success in school and school life ...


Is it possible to end depression with a room painted with purple tones on a sleepless night? According to psychologist Ayben Artem, who works on the language of colors, the purple behind the growing success can be red or orange after appetite.

Colors have a language too. Contrary to popular belief, 'Pink, I'm in love'! It is your interest to allow your home or work to decorate. Because the psychologist Ayben Ertem said that choosing the right color affects your life from your success in your work and your school life to the peace in your home.

Ayben Ertem is a psychologist who has mastered clinical psychology in America. However, he chose a completely different area of ​​expertise: Colors ... Years of research on the effects of colors on human psychology and experience. So he developed his curiosity from childhood. Other interest is decoration. Which room, which room, what colors and which objects should be joined? It's all about him.

Blue end for weight problems!

Red and orange tones increase appetite. If you have weight problems, you will eat fast and quickly, and if you are encouraging you to get up quickly, avoid it strongly. However, when used in orange doses, it can be used in the dining room and large kitchens; because it is a color that forms the social and speech environment.

There is research on how the blaine has suppressed appetite and reduced its pulse. For this reason, if the kitchen has a kilo of blue and tons, or even a refrigerator magnet. Along with being very popular, the bedroom should be kept away from the red in terms of family happiness. Because in a possible argument, red tension may increase. Red should be used in places where emphasis should be done, not as a main color in a decoration.

The secret of success is hidden in the purple secret

You can choose purple and shades to sleep. Do not give up social orange or happy, cheerful pink in the salonda and sitting room. White purity, peace and cleanliness are symbols. At the same time, smaller areas are larger and wider. When it comes to the study room, use colors to alert you when you often sleep while working or when your attention is quickly dispersed. For example purple, purple and red. The magic wizard especially warned that problem-solving areas, productivity and artistic skill are contributing. But do not kidnap. Because if you use too much you suppress your feelings, you lose confidence and your worries increase.

Vivid colors in the halls ...

When choosing a color, you should also pay attention to the size of the room and the light it receives. In dark rooms, vivid colors and tones often refresh the room. It may be a good choice for the halls and corridors. If you have a lot of sunshine, you can choose dark colors to break the light a bit. In small spaces, white, beige and blue tones are large, warm and quiet. Especially if you prefer to use a mirror as an accessory, the space will look wider and wider. When choosing furnitures to create the same effect, choose smaller, round modern furnishings instead of large and bulky pieces.

There are even patients treated with colors!

Colors in our country are not scientific, but the situation is different when we look at the examples in the world. Written on the articles as these field trials were made. There are even psychiatric patients treated with color therapy! Firstly, which color is used the most by this therapist is analyzed. Then the process of determining the colors that are good for him begins. For example, a patient who suffers from winter depression is kept away from colors such as black and gray; so that it can be distinguished by symbolic colors, whether red or orange vitality, clothes or petticoat. It is also applied in color therapy in some penitentiary institutions and psychiatric outpatient clinics in America. Some cells are painted with rose petals, which are soothing effects to calm violent crimes and patients.


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