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RE: Possibly The Best City In North America

in #travel2 years ago

My friend Juan (@luckyfellow) and I have been doing a buddy trip once a year for the last two decades.

This must have been fun over the last decades.

This trip really sounds interesting. I love the idea of throwing weapons and also the climbing experience.

I went to somewhere similar in Nigeria, the lekki conservation center. We claimed heights and walked long distances.

I intend on getting a friend who I will travel with for decades.

@ebingo and @gamsam what do you think?


We sometimes can't believe we've been doing these trips since 2000. They've changed a lot over the years too. We used to stay out MUCH later than we do now. During this last trip we were back to the Airbnb most nights by 10pm. I would highly recommend finding a friend (or two) to start this tradition with and try to keep the tradition alive as long as you can. You'll appreciate it much more as you get older.