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RE: Possibly The Best City In North America

in #travel2 years ago

That is really cool that you have been making this trip for so long. I should really try to start doing something like this with my friend. I guess I always guilt myself into the fact that I am travelling with them and not my wife. Since she is my best friend, I guess it makes sense that I would just go places with her :) The fact that you were able to make time for it with and without a 9 to 5 is impressive. I should definitely try harder!


We really value this time, it's always a kind of psychological reset for both of us. A time to celebrate successes and also plot our course for the next year. Budgeting for the next trip has, in a way, pushed us both to work harder through the years.

That makes a lot of sense. I have been telling my friend we should go up to Lake Simcoe in Ontario sometime, but we have just never gotten around to it.

I'll have to look up that lake, I've never heard of it. I hope you get to do it!

Perch bigger than your hand I have heard! They have a festival every year I think. Tons of people head up there.

That sounds like a really good time!