Learn Chinese with @cn-reader : Useful Words While Travelling in China

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

When travelling in China, some tourists would want to try fast food that are familiar to them back home, with a slight difference in taste due to localization of those brands in China. But do you know the Chinese names of those brands? Here are some names for you to learn.

  1. McDonald's = 麦当劳 Màidāngláo
  2. KFC = 肯德基 kěndéjī
  3. Starbucks = 星巴克 xīngbākè
  4. Pizza Hut = 必胜客 bìshèngkè
  5. Domino's Pizza = 达美乐 Dáměiyuè
  6. Subway = 赛百味Sài bǎiwèi
  7. Burger King = 汉堡王 Hànbǎowáng
  8. Dunkin Donuts = 唐恩都乐 Táng ēn dōu lè
  9. Paris Baguette = 巴黎贝甜 Bālí bèi tián
  10. Costa Coffee = 咖世家咖啡 Kā shìjiā kāfēi

Some Other Useful Words

Convenience Store = 便利店 Biànlì diàn
Hotel = 饭店 Fàndiàn
Taxi = 出租车Chūzū chē
Bank = 银行 Yínháng
Sim Card = 电话卡 diànhuàkǎ
Airport = 飞机场 fēijī chǎng

To learn more about Chinese words and Chinese culture, don't forget to follow @cn-reader

Author: @asianetwork


hey @asianetwork!

As a person that traveled to china (Beijing) it was pretty easy to spot McDonald's and KFC as there were literally everywhere and next to each other!

A tip or suggestion i wanna give you regarding the post (i may be wrong) is to write in English who exactly is the pronunciation cause with all those - ' can become difficult!

hi @filotasriza thanks for the suggestion! I will keep that in mind 😁
