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RE: Possibly The Best City In North America

in #travel2 years ago

Woo hoo! I was so glad to see you and Juan made it to Montreal! The pictures are great and who in the world doesn't LOVE it there?

You are a painter! And an axe thrower! Now you should be able to pick up a nice little side shuffle with that! :)

I am going to say unless something changes, I won't go on our friend's trip until next year. We missed the last two years, running home from South America as COVID shut our borders. Anyway, I am so jelly!!

The thing about Montreal having a different attitude? If you went to NYC or even Connecticut, (where all the arty NY people live) Miami, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, or even LA... nobody would blink and would be interested. It is just foreign to some places where you make a living in the arts. Isn't that a class in Elementary School?

Kidding. But, I think it is regional, and most of those places I mentioned have a huge foreign population also... so you are probably right!

Welcome home!!!! Soak those feet!


Thanks! It was a LOT of fun this year. No one was more surprised than me that the painting turned out so well. I think I'm actually going to have it matted/framed. If nothing else it'll remind me of the trip when I look at it. I suppose you're right about the artsy areas. I did notice NYC, Brooklyn especially, was like that when we were working on the HardFork Series there. The coffeeshops were "hives" of creativity. Two days after touchdown and my feet are finally getting back to normal. : )