Coral reefs in the Philippines!

in #travel6 years ago

Looking at the marine habitat of the Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are built by colonies of tiny animals found under the water.

Coral reefs are home to millions of species, up to to 25% of all marine life on the planet. 

Gotta love life under the sea!

Into the water with @elijahgentry


the wonder of living creatures under the sea!great one

Interesting, great post!

its a amazing photography.... i like it very much... i wish for your best of luck brother

Following you, nice photo.

Fantastic underwater picture. Spectacular nice colors.
Have a nice day

Good photo, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings

This post has gratitude of 1.32 % from @appreciator thanks to: @pilgrimtraveler.

Muy bonita la foto, me gusto mucho.

Thank you for the great post that provides so much valuable information. Your post has been Upvoted and Resteemed so that more people can read your blog.

The colors are exquisite! :)

I love snorkelling so I knew how it feels like when you see the beauty of corals under the water. Perfect capture @elijahgentry.

Where in the Philippines is this? This looks like a marine sanctuary. The corals look healthy.

Its a whole new world under the sea @elijahgentry I live not far from the Great Barrier reef in Queensland, Australia but have not had the pleasure of seeing it yet. Love your coral reef capture.