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RE: Meet My New (AI) Travel Agent

in #travellast year

It sounds like the Jameson tour is a solid win. I hope we have enough time in Dublin to do it. We're driving to the West coast right after we land and then won't be back to Dublin until the night before we fly out. You know, I might just reach out to a few cousins on 23andMe. The nice thing about the platform is it does allow you to message others. Meeting up with locals has always been the best part of any of our overseas trips.


The thing about 23andMe? So few people do it that once you contact the few cousins, you will show up and have 300 relatives to meet. They will most likely even have you over for dinner. Honestly, they are some of the kindest warm-hearted people I know.

They can also drink me under the table. Jameson tour! You won't be sorry!

Okay, now I'm really excited about reaching out. That would be so much fun. When I was in England one of my goals was to visit some of the distant Walton relatives in Oxfordshire. Life was so crazy back then (2018) that we never made plans beforehand. We landed at Heathrow and before we knew it the trip was over. London just swept us away. Next time I'll set things up before we leave so it's planned. I found the English to be warm and friendly too but I've heard the Irish take it to a different level. Oh, I'm a lightweight now that I've gotten older. More than four drams and I'll be making a fool of myself. Lol.