Our Van Life Adventure and Embracing New Beginnings

in #travel7 months ago

Hey there, Hive Community! 🌟

Last time we chatted, I gave you a sneak peek into my world, teeming with blockchain mysteries, self-sufficiency quests, and yes, my love for those tiny, growing passive incomes. 🌱💰

But today, I'm steering this conversation down a different road – the road of van life and minimalism. Picture this: a life on wheels, under starlit skies, where less is more, and every mile is a story. That's the life I'm living and loving in my cozy, converted van. 🚐✨


Why van life, you ask? It's all about breaking free from the conventional, embracing the nomadic spirit, and finding joy in simplicity. It's not just a lifestyle; it's a journey towards freedom and discovering the vast, beautiful world around us – both outside and within.


And hey, for all you dreamers out there thinking about this lifestyle or living it already, I'm all ears for your stories and tips too. Let's make this a two-way road of sharing and inspiration.

The Decision to Go Nomadic


This photo was taken on an early, hopeful morning, just as we were about to visit our future van. We had crossed France and rested for a mere four hours beside a tranquil lake, eagerly awaiting the start of our van life journey.

Initially, the idea of settling into "adult life" felt premature. I had been fascinated with van life for a couple of years. So, at the end of our studies, we took a leap of faith.

We purchased an old van, located a whopping 1,000 km away from our parents' homes in France. We drove overnight to see it and, without hesitation, began our new life on the road.

Confronting Mechanical Challenges


Our initial challenges were mainly mechanical. With limited funds, we often relied on mechanics but also learned to handle many issues ourselves. A significant milestone was achieving energy autonomy through solar power, a feat that wasn't easy but immensely rewarding.

A Day in Our Van Life

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A typical day begins at 8 am with breakfast, followed by planning our day or deciding to stay put and relax. We balance our freelance work with exploring new spots, walking, and unwinding in the evenings. This routine has allowed us to blend work and leisure seamlessly.

Living Essentials in a Compact Space

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Our van is equipped with a two-burner gas stove, a sink, and an 80-liter water tank, providing us 4-6 days of autonomy. We manage without a fridge, using careful meal planning. For hygiene, we shower every three days and use hygienic wipes to stay fresh.

Embracing Quality Over Quantity

I've always preferred having fewer possessions, but van life has reinforced this mindset. Now, I focus on quality. For example, choosing a durable pair of jeans over multiple lesser ones. This approach allows us to own less but better, with items that last longer.

Gaining Autonomy and Overcoming Fears



Living in a van has significantly boosted my autonomy and confidence. Facing and overcoming challenges, from mechanical repairs to navigating uncharted paths, has been empowering. It's a gradual process of conquering fears and gaining experience.

Next Steps: From Van to Land


Our journey is evolving, not ending. After two remarkable years of van life, we're embracing a new chapter: purchasing a 3,000 sqm piece of land, complete with an etang, a tiny house, a small forest, and a river. This isn't just a transition; it's an expansion of our adventures.

This new base represents a harmonious blend of our nomadic experiences and a desire for a more anchored lifestyle. But make no mistake – our van isn't retiring anytime soon! We see our land as a 'home base' rather than a full stop to our travels.

The freedom and flexibility of van life are still very much in our hearts. We plan to continue our adventures on wheels, exploring new horizons, and returning to our land when we crave a more stationary phase. It's about having the best of both worlds – the stability of a home and the thrill of the open road.

As we settle into this new phase, we'll be sharing the integration of our stationary and nomadic lives. Expect tales of transformation, not just of our living space but of our perspectives and lifestyle.

A Heartfelt Thanks to the Hive Community


I want to pause and express my deepest gratitude to the Hive community. Your engagement and feedback on my last post have been incredibly heartwarming. Special shoutouts to @brittandjosie, @jamerussell, @palomap3, @adedoyin01, @bhattg, @sagarkothari88, and @cescajove – your comments truly enriched the conversation and made my experience here on Hive more vibrant.

Navigating the resource credits on Hive has been a learning curve for me. Recently, I found myself unable to post for nine days due to these limitations, which was both a challenge and a learning opportunity. I'm still grasping the intricacies of this platform, but I'm committed to learning more each day.

I've started joining some Discord servers to deepen my understanding and connect further with this amazing community. While I'm tempted to respond to each comment individually, I'm mindful of the resource credits and trying to balance engagement with sustainability on the platform.

Your support and interaction mean the world to me. They motivate me to continue sharing our journey and learning from this diverse and engaging community. As I grow here on Hive, I look forward to more interactions, learnings, and shared experiences.

Stay tuned for more updates and stories as we embark on this new chapter of our lives, balancing our love for van life with the excitement of setting roots on our new land. Here's to more adventures, learning, and community building on Hive! 🚐🌳🌍


Hey! Awesome to see an other vanlifer out here! I will follow your journey and who knows I might see you on the road! ✌️

Hey ! It's fantastic to connect with a fellow vanlifer! I'm thrilled that you'll be following my journey. The vanlife community is such a vibrant and supportive space, and it's always exciting to meet someone who shares this unique lifestyle ☺️

Safe travels and looking forward to the possibility of meeting you out there! ✌️🚐🌍

I just made you an RC delegation, with that I hope you can interact more. 😉
You have a lot to teach us here, your way of life is different from most. I hope your journey here is as good as your van life. 🤗

Hello @palomap3, thank you so much for the RC delegation! This gesture means a lot to me, and it definitely will help in interacting more freely here on Hive. 😊

I'm thrilled to hear that you find my way of life intriguing. Sharing my journey, both on the road and here on Hive, is something I'm truly passionate about. I look forward to contributing more to this community and learning from everyone's diverse experiences. 🚐🌟

What a joy and living like you are is commendable, I wish you luck and it was my pleasure to help

Thank you, @brittandjosie! Your words are truly encouraging. Living this lifestyle has been a remarkable journey, and I'm grateful for all the support I've received from the Hive community. Your help has been invaluable to me.

Wishing you all the best as well, and I look forward to sharing more of my adventures with you!

Great looking forward to follow the journey and let me know when you need a hive hand

Yay! 🤗
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Frequently, I have heard the pronoun "we" mentioned in your narrative. Do you have anyone else that's tagging along with your adventures too?

You have a strong desire about this van adventures and I love the zeal and passion that is embedded in it. I'm so interested in it and I decided to give you a follow! I see you have low resource credit and I am delegating some to support you.
BTW have you heard about dreemport and what it entails, trust me you will be thrilled to know...

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Hey @cescajove, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Hey, thanks so much for your interest and support! When I say "we," I'm referring to my partner and me. We've been on this incredible van life journey together, exploring and embracing minimalism as a team. She's an integral part of all these adventures and the decision-making process, including the recent exciting step of purchasing land to balance our nomadic lifestyle with a more stationary phase.

Also, a huge thank you for the resource credit delegation – it's greatly appreciated and will really help in continuing to share our journey on Hive. I haven't explored dreemport yet, but your enthusiasm has definitely piqued my interest. I'll be sure to look into it and see how it can enhance our experience on the platform. Thanks again for the follow and for being part of our journey! 🌟🚐🌿


You guys rock! And I love the decision you guys took! It's so beautiful exploring the nomadic lifestyle, it's quite adventurous.

I hope to see you often on hive! I will be sharing the definition and what dreemport entails shortly.


oh....also. your post is too old for me to upvote, but when it's a fantastic post! so when you comment back to me...I'll upvote the comment!

I love to upvote great content but sometimes I see it too late to reward it

upvoting your new comment is a way around that!! hehehe