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RE: Prepared For Anything

in #travellast year

If nature is capable of changing in an instant, why can't we do it? I'm glad to stop by and know that you're already on the road. I just saw your other posts and I noticed that you also got the Amstel paw tattoo. How cool!!! It turned out beautiful. I also saw the next tattoo you're thinking of getting, designed by @opheliafu (by the way I miss the drawings she did on this platform. She is really missed)
I was looking at the picture of the place where your dad is and really that light gives an almost "mystical and special" effect to the instant. I hope the good times continue and that the trip comforts your soul. Big hugs to you, Eric


Good point! Sedona is a good teacher in that respect. : ) Thank you! I'm very happy with how the tattoo turned out. It brings me comfort to look down and see his paw print. I really miss Ophelia on here too. We keep in contact outside of this platform so it's good to touch bases with her from time to time.

That entire park has that "mystical" feel to it, it's really special. My brother and I picked that secluded spot for my Dad and I plan on visiting each year we're in Sedona.

Thanks for your comment, Nancy! I hope you have a great week.