Prepared For Anything

in #travellast year (edited)

As we’re discovering, the desert southwest can quickly transform you into a more well-rounded individual. This is an extreme place in all senses of the word.

A lot of things in this desert landscape will try to kill you if given the slightest chance. Scorpions, black widow spiders, and even roving packs wild javelina pigs. These little pigs might look cute at first glance but I’ve been advised to restrain from staring at them too long or they could see you as a threat and chase you down. They're like pint-sized gangsters.

Then there’s the weather. Yesterday it was sunny and sixty five degrees but overnight we were hit by a blizzard and woke up to five inches of snow.

The following two photos were taken less than twenty-four hours apart.



This place is a good reminder of the transient nature of life, I guess. The city has no snow removal equipment , they don’t even spread salt on the roads so it appears that we’ll be homebound today.

We’ve managed to get in a couple good hikes since we’ve been here. We visited the Amitahba Stupa where my Brother and I spread my Father’s ashes last year. I had a really tough time finding the alcove but finally did. I geotagged it and then shared the link with our family so it’ll never be lost. The two flat rocks we laid down as markers were mostly undisturbed.

The sunbeams coming through the branches of that ancient tree that shades him made the moment feel even more surreal.

We also hiked a more obscure trail for the first time yesterday, called Adobe Jack. This trail was amazingly secluded and not crowded at all. As an added bonus, the trailhead is just across the street from where we're staying. We'll be exploring much more of this in the weeks to come.

Below is a montage of some of the photos we’ve taken in our first week.

Today, I’ll be staring out the window at these beautiful mountains, eager to see just how many seasons Mother Nature can throw at us. I hope you all enjoy what's left of your Sunday.

All for now. Trust your instincts, invest in you, live boldly, and take chances.

~Eric Vance Walton~

(All photos are original.)

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What a weather transition in less than 24 hours! We experience it in my country as well, particularly during spring or autumun.

It's been a meteorological roller coaster this past week. Thankfully the snow is melting fast!

Really beautiful photos. Enjoy your holiday. God bless you, Eric.

Thank you Eliana! I hope you have a great week!

I'll be interested to hear just how quickly the snow goes away. That is pretty crazy though. SoCal got hit pretty hard too. I can't remember ever hearing about a snow storm in southern california. We have another round of ice heading our way tomorrow it sounds like.

By midafternoon most of the roads were dry! The intensity of the sun down here is just unbelievable, even at this time of the year. I think what we got here today actually came from SoCal. Ugh! I bet you guys are so ready for spring.

Yeah, I like the snow, but only when I don't need to be somewhere. I'm usually good for one or two big storms per year then I am ready for spring!

If nature is capable of changing in an instant, why can't we do it? I'm glad to stop by and know that you're already on the road. I just saw your other posts and I noticed that you also got the Amstel paw tattoo. How cool!!! It turned out beautiful. I also saw the next tattoo you're thinking of getting, designed by @opheliafu (by the way I miss the drawings she did on this platform. She is really missed)
I was looking at the picture of the place where your dad is and really that light gives an almost "mystical and special" effect to the instant. I hope the good times continue and that the trip comforts your soul. Big hugs to you, Eric

Good point! Sedona is a good teacher in that respect. : ) Thank you! I'm very happy with how the tattoo turned out. It brings me comfort to look down and see his paw print. I really miss Ophelia on here too. We keep in contact outside of this platform so it's good to touch bases with her from time to time.

That entire park has that "mystical" feel to it, it's really special. My brother and I picked that secluded spot for my Dad and I plan on visiting each year we're in Sedona.

Thanks for your comment, Nancy! I hope you have a great week.

Its crazy how weather can change that drastically in a desert, I know there are season but like hot as hell one day and the next day freezing, camp on the open field must be a real challenge, snow looks great though

We have one more snowstorm in the forecast and then it looks like it might warm up for good.

I am so amazed with the beautiful photos taken which is nice and as we know the weather conditions are what is said to be experienced.

It's so much more beautiful in person. I wish the camera could accurately capture it.

That looks like an interesting backyard to play in :) ...

Sorry for your loss, by the way

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Thank you! It's a wonderful backyard! The critters keep you on your toes. : )

Which are your favorites?


Quite a fast weather change in 24 hours. I haven't experienced snowing

I have visited your YouTube channel and watch video you posted, this place is very outstanding no doubt, I love to see natural beauty even everybody likes it and go to visit such places. The pictures you have shared in your video are very attractive and of the most beautiful place in world.

Thank you. Sedona is definitely amongst the most beautiful places I've seen.

The desert gets snow, it is clear that the climate change is going on the downsloap if we don't do any corrective measure. The world simply doesn't care if it destroys the future of new generations.

It seems to me that it is very difficult to get used to such weather, although it will be interesting for beginners

You really have to pack clothes for 4 seasons when you come here this time of the year. It forces you to step up your packing-game, that's for sure!

Completely Agree with you, these little creatures looks cute but they can be dangerous if you tackle with them, What are they doing in the city ? are they really free to walk like this in the city @ericvancewalton? or it's vary rare to see scene like this ? I don't know about you, but I love snow, I truly love it, the picture in which all the place and houses were covered with snow grabbed my attention and I can't stop myself to see it again and again. I know this thing can cause problem for many living in the area where there is too much snow.

The pigs are free to roam in the city and are a protected species. They're multiplying quickly though! This herd is twice as big as it was last year.

Amazing landscapes Eric! Those wild pigs remind me of our monkeys who come in packs, the young ones also look cute but it's certainly not advisable to go near them.
I hope the weather is going to be kinder.

Thanks Lizelle! OMG, I've seen videos of those monkeys. I can't believe how many tourists get pickpocketed and attacked by them. I'm thankful that havelinas don't have thumbs, they'd be a lot more dangerous. Lol. It looks like we've seen the last of the snow! Now we just have to wait for the hiking trails to dry out.

I'm glad to hear the weather's improving!
When monkeys behave that way, it's actually the fault of tourists who feed them. We have signage up asking our guests not to do that, so the monkeys around here keep their distance but of course will try to come into the house if they spot fruit and no one is in the room.
We found the behaviour you describe at a north coast resort, they were really pesky🙈🙈🙈


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