in #travel7 years ago

Was @papa-pepper successful in locating @jed78?

About nine months ago, @jed78 stopped posting on steemit. @jed78 was one of those early steemians who @papa-pepper had really connected with. Sometimes we posted similar content, and often we would talk on We exchanged some garden seeds, and @jed78 had even told me that I could stop in if I was ever in the area.


“The area” is Texas, and Texas is huge. Although @papa-pepper has lived most of his life in Wisconsin, he has been to Texas about a dozen times. Most recently, the @papa-pepper tribe took a trip from Arkansas all the way down to the border of Mexico, so we covered a good portion of the eastern side of Texas.


We were even blessed enough to be able to spend the night at the house of @xtrodinarypilot and @xtdnrymompreneur. Since they live within an hour of the last known location of @jed78, this definitely put us “in the area.” Yesterday, we awoke with two goals.

  • Attempt to locate @jed78.

  • Make it back home eventually.


Over the time of steemit’s existence, there has been a lot of ups and downs. Steemians have come, and steemians have gone. @jed78 was one of those steemians. My attempt to locate him was not so much a mission to get @jed78 back on steemit. It was more of an attempt to locate and old friend, and let him know that I still cared. I suppose that I could have just sent a card or letter to the address that I had sent his seeds to, but he did give me an open invitation to drop on by. Yes, @papa-pepper has been known to take advantage of invitations.

In the midst of my attempt to locate my old friend from steemit, there were also a few unanswered questions. Was @jed78 still alive? If so, was @jed78 still around? Had the Kiwano seeds that I sent him taken over his greenhouse and eventually destroyed him as well?

In my mind, there was only one way to know for sure… drive one over.


Completely unannounced and out of the blue, I showed up at the house of @jed78 after having no contact with the man for the past nine months. When he peeked out of his front door, it took him a minute to recognize me, but he figured it out.

Soon, we were walking and talking like old friends. It reminded me of old time, except now we were doing it in person, rather than online. The @little-peppers and I got a tour of the green house and were able to meet some of his animals.

There had been certain changes that periodically occur in life, and @jed78 had been through a few. I won’t share everything here, but I will say that the man is still doing well. As certain things in his life changed, steemit took a backseat. I do think that it caught his attention when I mentioned a few things about my steemit experience, and he did saw that he would most likely “get back to posting on steemit eventually.”

While we were there, he even gave me a few cuttings from one of his Muscadine Grape vines. I remember seeing these same grape vines online eleven months ago (photo below), and now I have my own cuttings to grow from them.


Before we parted ways, we exchanged phone numbers to make future contact easier, and he also gave me another open invitation to stop by anytime… Yeah, you’ve gotta be careful telling @papa-pepper things like that.

In case you missed them in my first post about attempting to locate @jed78, here are a few posts from way back in the day that @jed78 made about our interaction.

What Makes Steemit Great? Folks Like @papa-pepper Make It Great!

@papa-pepper Scammed Me... In a Good way!

A Steemit Collaboration: @papa-peppers Seeds In the STEEMHouse!

Papa-Pepper's Kiwanos Take Over The World, Or Just My Greenhouse!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



Hey Ya'll, @jed78 here. I can confirm that @papa-pepper did arrive and the above story is part of it any way!

Maybe it's time for ole jed to tell the story! stay tuned

Maybe you should share your side of the story! Nice to see a comment from you again!

Thats awesome how you found your old steemit friend, I bet he was shocked to hear about how far you and steemit has come since 9 months ago. Wouldn't it be something if he popped up here on steemit again!

I can't confirm it, but I may or may not be back LOL

hahaha its really you? welcome back man its been a long time. I'll be checking out your new posts!!

Congratulations! This is an exemplary act of proving loyalty and care to friends.

Heart - warming - lovely post. Good to know *jed78 is ok, and good to see that some Steemians really do care!.

Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper!

Upvoted - Resteemed

Glad you found your friend @papa-pepper

Me too! I was amazed that he was home!

Beard war :P

Haha awesome post @papa-pepper! Well done. Rocking that goatee I see!

Upvoted... Thanks for sharing, you always share the right idea for the followers

Well done papa pepper to locate lost steemians i appreciate your hard work and efforts.

I'm glad that I found him, and that he is still doing well!

Awesome @papa-pepper.. I knew you were going to locate him. It is good to know he is alive and will be back on steemit. Job well done soldier of steemit. #salute

Thanks friend! I figured that it would be a success, but there sure was a lot of room for it to fail.

Funny how it all fell into place, If i hadn't of slept as late as i did, we would have already been on the way down to Galveston! It was meant to be my friend!

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by alwaysloved from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

That's great to hear that you located @jed78, hope he gets back soon on steemit!
Btw how is the kiwano melon? Is it still there?

Hi there @progressivechef, the Kiwanos grew like crazy and i had quite a few ripen, then things went south in the greenhouse, but such is life!

Some days back on my weird food post, Kiwanos were featured on it! I've never tasted them though! Don't know if it will grow here, but if i can get the seeds, i'll give it a try!
Thanks for replying @jed78

wow! there is so much caring on steemit, what you did just goes to show that steemit is really a community that cares.

I am glad that you appreciate it. It was excellent to meet up with @jed78 in person.


Great post :) i enjoy reading your posts thank you so much for sharing
i follow @jed78 , i hope see him very active in steemit ( sorry for my english , i do my best:))

Who knows what the future will hold for @jed78. Perhaps we will see something soon from him.

Happy to hear you found him and that he is ok

It was very cool that I actually pulled it off! Super cool to meet the guy!

Very happy for you

Great to hear he is still on this side of the grass. Hope he gets through whatever issues that came his way.

I think he's doing well. He just had to adjust some things in his life.

I can fully understand. My life turned upside down last August when my dad passed away. Now my wife is battling skin cancer. So I completely understand having to adjust.

Cheers Papa , You made it. Great Achievement Unlocked. You guys together look damn good. will see you more from you guys. Keep Having Fun. Enjoy .

It was a happy day. He's a real nice man in person too, and the @little-peppers had a great time there too.

Awesome that you got to rekindle the friendships made from steemit! Sharing to show friendships can be made here!

A real friend indeed! I missed the guy, but at least now I can call him.

Teaching we live in a borderless world because of the internet but it is nice to do the face to face also!

What a heart warmer! Nice one Papa.

Thanks @benjojo! It was very cool that it actually worked out!

On a wing and a prayer. It must be nice for you to know he was well!

What a great story! I'm so glad you were able to connect and solidify your relationship. I bet wou were a wonderful blessing to him, arriving when you did. There are no coincidences in where we are at a given time in our lives.

Its a great post anyway...thanks for sharing

Great job @papa-pepper
No one can replace the better

So glad you found your friend and re-connected.

glad to hear you made a friend and you are still able to keep in touch :) thanks for sharing

Good job, you did very well to visit. Thank you.

That's a nice story, u must have been relieved to finally find @JED78, I wish him well and hope he can get back to steemit soon. Thanks for sharing :)

A heartwarming tale on a grim day (for me). A little cheer helps a lot.

Wow this is great, and just shows how much people are actively networking on our little slice of the social media pie. I never got into facebook, had some fun and met some cool people on instagram a few years back, but I see a bright future for us steemians and our growing platform!

Nice article, thanks for sharing, it's always nice to meet an old friend. I met one of my friend after 10 years out of no where. Thanks again for reminding those moments.

Love solving puzzles like that :D

Very nice story..looking for an old friend from online..and now founded and meeting in person..that was eyes are tearing up...its a tears of joy how you locate to a friend that you care!!very touchable story... @papa-pepper you are a lucky friend to us..your post inspires us...

THAT ....was an awesome story!!!
I did nearly the same once before. Before steemit. It is good to connect with friends.
Peace ✌

Cool, glad that you enjoyed it!

What a great story! At least he didn't accuse you of being a stalker lol

Happy you got to reconnect with your Steemit friend! Thanks for sharing

haha -- Now folks will be dividing into the the group that will be more cautious about saying "Drop on by!" and the group that will be saying it more often, lol. And where will you fall on saying "Drop on by"? ; )

Glad you had a good trip and connected with some Steemit friends. Enjoy your Arkansas heat!

nice, it's good to hear he's doing well. great job solving the mystery @papa-pepper

Thanks for finding a lost friend. Your like a shepherd papa-pepper :)

Oh, yes he is! Well done @papa-pepper!

:-D Just when you don't think anyone would care, he comes along and saves the day!

Awesome! I read your "going-to-find-jed78" post and was curious to see what would happen :) glad you guys met in person and all is good :)

nice reunion.

Nice work. So great to see poeple connecting though steemit. Whens the UK tour :)

You guys have just proved that steemit is really a caring community.! Nice that you are close enough for a face to face.

Hey if this whole steemit things doesn't work out, you could probably get a job working as a bounty hunter! :)

Mission accomplished!
Glad to know @jed78 is doing well.

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@papa-pepper That is such a cool thing that you did. This kind of stuff restores my hope for humanity. Glad you are back @jed78. You have a friend in @captainobviou3

Hurrah! you found him :)
Glad to have read the report back. Thanks for sharing.
And I hope your grape does really well!
I had a terrible experience with grapes after living in a house for 5 years that had a massive Hanepoot grape vine which would get mouldy every year and the fruit would never get sweet. I would end up cutting down the entire harvest ( up to 22kg) to avoid a fly plague. It was planted in a bad spot: right on a canal and only had sun from 10 till 12 every day. The best we ever got out of it was right before we moved out in February as I had cut it back to within an inch of it's life the year before and the fruit had been able to get enough sun. Go figure.

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 8 with 475 upvotes

Your quite the social super star!
I love that people love you so much. You bring a lot of joy to people.

Good read. It's great that he is back posting again with his garden stuff.

welcome aboard..again @jed78. and Sir @papa-pepper you've done a great job. Thanking the Lord for your seed of good deeds :)