Time to enjoy my vacation on the Turkish beach

in #travel5 years ago

Hi Everyone!

Even penguins enjoy a vacation once in a while. I'm taking a break for a week to escape the cold of the Earth's southernmost continent, Antarctica ;-) I am on the west coast of Turkey now, close to the ancient city of Ephesus. I just arrived in my hotel so I haven't visited the city yet.

Ephesus was a major Roman city, second in importance and size only to Rome. The apostle Paul lived in Ephesus for three years (in the AD 50s) and he wrote a letter to the Ephesians which is still being read today (in the bible). There is still much to see that evokes the city's former splendor. I look forward to check it out.

I stay here for a week, so don't expect 'Statistical posts' from me this week ;-)

Here are a few pictures of my hotel I just took.






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Have a nice week! Enjoy!

kinda warm for the penguin?! :D

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Now THAT looks like a fun place to hang out. Even for a penguin, but then again, there IS a pool. Is that an amphiteatre on one side, pool on the other, or is it a place to do some sort of animal water tricks? Like a Shamu type site? Doesn't make sense in that realm, due to the orientation, but I just gotta ask. The hotel looks like it's on a tilt too, but I think that's just pespective. They don't call me curious D for nothing ( :
Have fun, never been there, but maybe one day.

It's a theatre for the evening shows :-)

That makes a whole lot more sense than my original thought. Just an efficient use of space. Cheers

Beautiful beach and wonderful sea view from the hotel! It seems that you have great time there.

Thanks so much for sharing. Looking forward to seeing more photos from you. ;)

@penguinpablo Heya, Vacation rest is necessary and to get better everyone needs break for sometime.... Turkey seems to be good place for vacation, So enjoy yourself.... Good luck... Looking foreard to see you after week with your amazing post =)

Posted using Partiko Android

Its ok, take your time, rest well indeed. You deserve it.

Ps. Don’t forget to wear that steem blockchain shirt I gave you ha... 😂😂😀😀

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow looks nice. Enjoy your vacation Mr. Penguin.

Posted using Partiko Android

How lovely and peaceful. Please try to get the STEEM price to rise while you take your rest! I will miss your reports, but even swimming birds need a break :)

Hmm how is warmth doing for a penguin?? ;)
Happy vacation & il be here in the cold waiting for new stats next week ;) :D
Have a fab time :D

Oh wow very nice place! Make sure you show us some pics of what the food is like.

I hope you have a great time there to recharge the battery.

Posted using Partiko Android

This penguin certainly deserves a break? Are you familiar with Gotham? Cause that Penguin is Crazzzy!!:D

I enjoined you on your vacation dearest @penguinpablo

Posted using Partiko iOS

Enjoy ! You deserve it

Posted using Partiko iOS

Have a nice time!:)


Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats!!! Happy day and happy vacations.


Lovely place. Enjoy your vacation!

Woow! Sangat Menakjubkan...

Really nice place. Thanks for creating steemnow, I visit it everyday. ;)

Beautiful post... enjoy your vacation, and thank you for your hard work on Steemit and your associated pages. I keep up with EVERY metric of importance to me on SteemNow and use it daily!

isn't it too hot for penguins?:))

I can feel sea breeze from your photos:)
Have good time there, and forget about all troubles!

Have fun :) and hurry back we miss your reports

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