Mom And Me In Jeju Island, At The Traditional Folk Museum. Local House.

in #travel6 years ago

Mom and me had flies to Jeju island for the memory of Mother’s day.
My fellow former colleagues had accompanied with us.
Even though I retired several months ago, my fellow friends had helped my journey in Jeju.
One of friend had driven a car for us during this Jeju travel.

He planed our tour in Jeju.
He had set up our tour schedule in detail, but it had rained for 2 days.
So he had to change schedules instantly.

It was not easy to walk outside due to the rain and the wind.
It blew too windy to enjoy walking around, so we needed to change to the indoor tour course.

Usually people don’t pay attention to the indoor tour in Jeju, because natural scenery is really awesome.
As Jeju island had been formed as a result of volcano activity, so whole Jeju island is nothing but a geological museum.

But in this travel, we could find hidden attraction of Jeju.
The first place we stopped by was the traditional folk museum.


The wall of building was covered with the ivy trees.


As entering into the museum, there were geological samples of volcano explosion.
My mom was very interested in the geological samples.




The main theme of this posting is the traditional house in Jeju.
The traditional house was made in the museum and there were mannequins, so we could understand the living styles in Jeju easily.


One thing interesting was this bronze bawl. What do you think the role of this thing ?
It’s for peeing. The restroom was far from the living area in traditional house.
So they prepared for this bronze bawl especially for the women and the kids.
But it was sorry that I failed to focus on it correctly.


Women’s pee was valuable for the agriculture, because women was the symbol of producing the life.

Even though it was very difficult to live, studying was a part of their life in Jeju.



But women's life in Jeju was not easy.


Chick laid an egg on the hanging basket to escape from snakes.


Life looks similar in everywhere.

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saluti a Mom....from Italy!

The most interesting things which I realized through the pictures that every small aspect of life is very finely illustrated.

I enjoyed your photographs of the Jeju island museum @slowwalker. It seems that people in Jeju island lived in a very basic but peaceful way of life and it was interesting that they use the pee of women in agriculture for maybe fertilizing the soil which in fact is true and amazing that they figure it out as well. I am glad that you are having great moments with your mom with that tour in the island, priceless.

It's a beautiful place but it's not most beautiful ------

Well done .. nice
You are right .. good for you
Fantastic picture, thanks for sharing this with us..

great stuff

Seems like a historic visit to the Island and by visiting the museum, its more of the feeling like reliving what the then people used to live their lives with all the hardwork and so basic to make both ends meet.
Great share @slowwalker loved every bit of the display at the museum and these wonderful captures.

This Island looks historic, I love it!

Nice place for traveling.Wonderful look. ivy trees looking beautiful.If I wish I will go there.

Looks like a nice place to take mom :)

Looks like a great time! I wasn’t able to make it out to Jeju when I lived in Korea but I will definitely visit if I ever go back. So interesting to see how people lived in the past. It really looked like a less complicated time. Thanks for sharing your day!

one of the places listed in my bucket list 🙂 dreaming about going to Jeju Island, first stop is always the museums. ☺️ Thank u for showing us some areas of Jeju Island in your photos 🙂

Actualy my mom is interesting to looks like your mom.Mom is the best part of our life. Long live your mom. I pray for you and your mom. Thanks for share your good moment.

Nicely illustrated with pictures...

Your good photographs all photos very nice

Wow its great treaveling place

두분의 모습 늘 감동입니다
제주도의 여행기 기대가 됩니다^^

Great photography and creativity from the world class master @slowalker

awesome post..warmly inspiring

Hi @slowwalker will you be posting more of your trip to Jeju Island? I would love to see more of this place. My favorite picture is of the man sitting cross legged.

@theneohippy Look at this they saved pee in Jeju island for gardening :D

Such a beautiful place it is, specially the second picture.

Hmmm! What an experience you had there with your friends, sorry about the 2days rain and the heavy wind that interrupted your plans. But i am glad you could still do your touring nonetheless the obstacles.

Where is it jeju located

Jeju island is a beautiful place. Where we can see all the beautiful scenery

Pictures looks like as they are of any museum presenting their traditions and culture. It reminds me our school visit of our National meuseum.
There are many beautiful museums in my city as well especially in city of Karachi. I whole heartedly invite you visit my country Pakistan.

and also say hello to your mom.🌹
Have a good day.

Such a big island! And it seems it must have been a very long ferry ride to get out there. It sure does look like you had a great time. So much to see and do! I don't know quite what to think about pee on the crops...I laugh...

Thanks for sharing this remarkable travel journal with us!

Very interesting place...

it turns out jeju very much save history.that very good to visit

just a great post!! important market report just up..thanks.

those days with your mother or father will be gold. I spent also much time with them. and when you combine it with something different than your alldaylife, something like going in a museum, you will remember it for your whole life <3

nice tourist place, maybe i will visit it

This an ideal mothers day trip. There's nothing more soothing that a getaway to a place as exciting as jeju island. Is it really located on an island? Or is that just a traditional name.

Amazing pictures my friend, I love to see your travels and touring post and pictures, you expose me to so many things I don’t know and you’re much appreciated for that

늘 어머니와 함께 하시는 모습이 너무나 보기 좋으시네요

Very nice museum indeed and very distinctive things
I love visiting the museum
I wish you and your mother happiness, my friend

우와~ 제주에 오셨어요?
그럼 이제는 @slowwalker님의 멋진 사진으로 제가 사는 제주를 감상할 수 있겠네요~
기대기대기대.^^ 많이 됩니다^^

I REALLY need to visit Jeju one of these days.

If my parents ever make their way here, i'll like for them to visit this spot.

Thanks for these pictures as always!

Looks like an amazing place! Those geological samples of volcano explosion would have been really cool to see :) I hope you have a wonderful day

wow that museum looks like a really cool place. and I have to say that it is so great that you spend so much time together with your mom.

Looks very interesant place to visit!

Thank you for the wonderful excursion. Your mother is very lucky to have such a loving and caring son. Good luck to you and Love.

Спасибо за замечательную экскурсию. Вашей маме очень повезло, что у нее такой любящий и заботливый сын. Удачи Вам и Любви.

Enjoyed your pics,,,,took me back into old golden days of history,,,Museum is a place where you live in the two ages e.g. past and present which gives you a delightful feeling. And yes Moms deserve the most of your love,,,,best wishes, prays and love for your mom, my mom, and to all MOMS.Love you Mom .jpg

Great post my friend.

Great post my friend.

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So big island! And it seems it's a very long get there. It looks like it's a fantastic time it looks right. So much to see and do!Thanks for sharing this awesome travel journal with us @slowwalker

Another excellent post my friend I'm a fan of your work I appreciate everything you do keep it up 👍

Waoh,jeju island is really atractive,i would like to go with my family one day

a very pleasant trip, the museum looks clean and still many historical relics are still stored neat and clean .... my regards @slowwalker.

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