Susanne's Travel Tips - Number Four

in #travel8 years ago

Here comes travel tip number four. This time it's all about the luggage.

I like to avoid checked baggage if I can, but if I go on longer trips, I pack my stuff in vaccum storage bags.The ones that I got in Norway are amazing, and you don't need a vaccum cleaner to get the air out of them, you can just press them together.

What you see in this pictures is ALL(!) the clothes I own in two of those bags. (Except a winter coat and my bathrobe.)
It's insane how small you can make these bags and how much you can fit inside of them.

I used them when I moved house here in Sydney and when I'm not using them to travel I store winter jackets, scarves and simmilar stuff in them. They are GENIOUS. (I don't always use Caps Lock, but when I do, you better believe me.

Feel free to share a good travel advice with me, and maybe I can mention it in my next travel tip post. I will of course credit you. 



oh wow I definately could do with these ! - can you put arguing teenagers in them!!!????? -

When I travel domestic i can always manage one carry on. Stuffed to the brim and when i realize my head phones are in their cause i forgot it all explodes out. lol

Ha ha ha ha... I feel you!!

avoiding carry-on is a must for me
too many times i've had overbooked planes and stressed about not having compartment room for my things :/
great tips though! upvoted :)
i would love to vacuum storage for more room!

That can be stressful sometimes, I agree :)
Thank you so much.

My wife swears by them

I totally get why she does that! They are amazing.

Really good to save some space around the house.

I agree. I have tried to make my life a bit more minimalist, and these are good for that. Out of sight, out of mind!

Cool idea. When I was still travelling for work I was a carry on person only (100 flights a re year type of travel). With this trick I could have added in spare casual clothes instead of wearing my work suit all the time. Luckily those days are long gone