Pasan, one of the popular landmarks in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand

in #travel2 months ago

May I invite you to travel to Nakhon Sawan province, in the central of Thailand and go to admire the cool architecture of "Pasan" which is a popular landmark on the bank of the Chao Phraya River.

The word “Pasan” in the Thai language means “merge”.

Pasan is a place that brings people to come together with the way of life of the local people living beside the Chao Phraya River.

Pasan is a symbolic structure at the beginning of the Chao Phraya River that has beautiful, outstanding and modern architecture. The inspiration for the creation came from studying the environment, way of life, customs, and cultural traditions of the local people.

The Pasan structure’s shape mixed together with the community, environment and modernity perfectly.

Pasan is shaped like lines that interlock and meet as one at the end. It's like the gathering of water streams.

The structure is long and resembles a bridge. It is divided into 4 parts at the beginning and then merged into one at the end point. It indicates the coming together of 4 important rivers of Thailand: Ping, Wang, Yom and Nan. When they flow together in this area, it becomes the starting point of the Chao Phraya River.

There is an outside living space; i.e. Kuan Yin's shrine area, activity area, riverside garden, pier raft, etc.

The inside area consists of exhibition areas, meeting rooms, offices, scenic viewpoints, etc.

If you visit Nakhon Sawan province, don’t miss stopping by to see the beauty of Pasan.

P.s. I used to present photos of Pasan in my old posts, these photos are new sets from a new trip.


Greetings @tangmo ,

What an interesting place....and the bridge-like structure is incredibly well built and appears massive. Thank you for this interesting day-out with @tangmo .

Kind Regards,


Please accept my apology for my late reply.....again!

I'm really glad to know that you found the place interesting. I like the bridge-like structure, too. It's incredible and very creative.... Thanks so much for your kind words.... ^_^