The Backpack Girl #14 - Nurpur Fort, Himachal Pradesh

in #travel6 years ago

Hey guys! How have you all been?

India is a country known for its forts. As you may know, its history has been one with many wars and battles in it and so, the remnants of those events can be still found today. The many, many forts here are an example of that.

Recently I visited the Nurpur Fort in Himachal Pradesh, with my cousin, which is also popular for the Brij Raj that is situated within it. The fort is really a treasured, historical place as it is said to have been constructed in the 15th century.

Despite having been damaged by earthquakes, it still stands today against the test of time. What is more special about the fort is that it is surrounded by lush greenery that just make you want to spend more time there and explore every nook and cranny.

This pretty much looks like a scene from a movie to me. The walls were huge and very intimidating to be honest.

Follow me @travel-cuisine


Nice @travel-cuisine..

I like this posting,hopefully you add success yes.

Follow me @yassir1 .

You look very I like this travel...

Nice troubles....hahahahahahhaaa

sorry typing mistake......hahahaha..... !

Upvoted! great post, dont know why i missed your post, we started at the platform around the same time.
Always looking for travelminded people to connect. Traveled for four years and post about it now. hope you like it.
Will keep an eye out for your posts and hope you can travel as much as you can

Nice to meet a fellow traveler too. Will make sure to check out your posts too :)

Just came across your post! Himachal Pradesh is one of my favorite destinations up in the north! ☺️

Thank you. It is one of my favorites too.

Look out for the ghost of the king of that fort.

He may like you and may want to capture you to make you her queen.

And then you might be stuck in that fort forever.

Woooow! its so beautiful dear keep it up thanks for sharing such a nice photos

Thank you ^_^

I don’t have enough time to travel (YET due to busy schedules 🙁), that’s why I really appreciate travel bloggers who take time to let their audience have a visual tour of various places. This has been fun to read. Hoping to visit India soon. ❤️ Thanks for this!

Thank you. That means so much to me. I love travelling and do it whenever I can :)

defintely India it's on my travel list. :) @travel-cuisine. I encourage you to come visit the Europe to see the differences between culture, tradition, places and people :D

You should definitely travel to India. It's a world in its own. Europe is my dream destination. One day, I will surely travel there.

Super article nice pics and place .
Best wishes !

Thinking back about what could have been happening here few hundred years back. A place of activity and bustling with life...