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M-a-u-r-i-t-i-u-s ...
Zwei Menschen, die ich über alles liebe, durften v.e.Wochen Mauritius für einige Wochen erLeben.
Deren positive Erfahrungen und Erzählungen***** darf ich deiner ReiseEmpfehlung gerne anfügen.
GoodJob, @ulfr,
Viele Grüße,

amazing deal!

I hear about stamp of Mauritius is a great opportunity ta see this country!

Wonderful photo.
I love travelling
Thanks for sharing this post brother

beautiful photo,have a nice travel

Frankfurt to Mauritius for 335 Euro with Condor is the best offer you have @ulfr!

thanks for giving the link

the pic of ship in water is so beautiful & thanks for giving the link of flight

outstanding pic your flight link

Nice post,have a nice travel

Good place to visit Mauritius..

Hye how are sir, I hope it's great day..

Sir, your post always good.thanks:)

@ulfr - 'Condor: From Frankfurt to Mauritius for 335 Euro'
Nice information Sir....

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Nice travel information.

The best offer for travelers.

I been there in Mauritius and is a great place to visit. I paid allot more for the trip this is a good deal!

Another useful info by @ulfr

right choice for 335 euro is great deal.

Nice travel article

Nice article on travel

wow looks an exotic place :D

dear my friend @ulfr
this is a greet place and 335 euro is very low for this place

Good place and excellent camera shot
100% like and resteem

Beautiful destination is yet to arrive :)

Great work . thanks for sharing.
(((( Resteem Service))))

Nice picture from Thailand you have posted:) Have a nice travel

"Condor you can fly from Frankfurt to Mauritius for 335 Euro."
Flight available till December! That would be a good deal! Thanks for sharing!


what an amazing place this is!! just speechless
most welcome..

this place really nice, your fun post is awesome

great deal..
thanks @ulfr

Thanks for sharing.👍

Have a great day and stay blessed.

What a beautiful place! Its a great deal who want to travel in holidays. Thanks for sharing.

Great offer. Thank you for continuing to share.

good travel and Picture


what an amazing place this is! Just amazing. Thanks for giving us the chance to see it....


beautiful pic now i want to visit this city

awesome that is wonderful

a city for travelling lovers :)

Thanks for sharing the details buddy !

Hello @ulfr,

Extraordinary good article with nice flight offer news. Excellent post.


insane deals happening right now


wow from frankfurt to mauritius for 335 Euro, it's not a bad deal at all, thanks for telling us about this service, Stay awesome

Stay blessed and thanks for sharing this post @ulfr

beautiful it is my favorite place

'Frankfurt to Mauritius for 335 Euro' nice offer & you made a nice article about it~

There are 2 pages