Asakusa, diving in the heart of Tokyo's historic district, by @japon (translation from French)

in #travel6 years ago

This is an authorized translation in English of a post in French by @japon: Asakusa, plongée au coeur du quartier historique de Tokyo

Remember that the person that speaks here is NOT me, Vincent Celier (@vcelier), but @japon, a French guy.

If there is a place that reflects the historical side of Tokyo, it's Asakusa. A few subway stations from Ueno Park, I arrive at the Nakamise Dori. A large shopping street with many shops on either side, full of tourists.

Some women are dressed in traditional kimono, some tourists photograph them thinking that they are geisha. No, a woman dressed in a kimono is not necessarily a geisha. It is probably a young Chinese who has rented a traditional costume to plunge into the atmosphere of traditional Japan. Young Chinese couples are very fond of these outfits. It costs about 3000 yen a day (about 25€ or US$30), with kimono, accessories and hairstyle.

After a few days in Japan, I quickly made the difference between a real kimono worn by a Japanese, and those rented for a day. These are too often overly blooming and colorful (while we were in October). The Japanese women instead wore kimonos in solid colors and much more discreet.

I enter the Nakamise Dori and its many merchants of souvenirs, not always in very good taste, nor very religious. I notice that businesses are also located in perpendicular streets. In addition to being quieter, they are also fewer tourist traps. A few steps away there is also a great shopping arcade as we sometimes see in the center of major Japanese cities. It is a street literally covered with a roof. The advantage is that it is dry when it rains, it protects from the cold and gives a warmer atmosphere.

The focal point of Asakusa is the Senso-Ji Temple, a Buddhist temple dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of compassion. The main entrance is via a huge door that overlooks the Nakamise Dori: Kaminarimon (or door of thunder). It is easily recognizable by her large hanging red lantern.

Everyone is trying to make a selfie, I'm trying to make my way in. In the big court, a big censer around which people gather to purify themselves by the smoke. With their hand they guide the smoke of incense towards their head or the part of the body that hurts them.

This Buddhist complex is really big, with several buildings of a more modest appearance but which are nonetheless uninteresting. The central esplanade is still crowded with people, including many foreign tourists. Fortunately I will visit much more Zen places the following days. I deviate a little to appreciate the place as a whole and remains planted in front of the big pagoda which is impressive!

At one point I hear music and I notice a crowd around a scene. Interesting: a concert of traditional music inside a temple!

Finally I can not say that I really loved this place. Too crowded, too noisy, too touristy. I came to Japan for more serenity and discover the country from the inside. But the architecture of the place is particularly beautiful, so I decided to give it another try.

I came back a few days later, but in the evening. It was dark, it was raining, the place was empty. Yet it was beautiful. The lighting of the different buildings takes on a whole new dimension.

-- @japon

Travel diary in Japan, by @japon
Tokyo, overcrowded city? Really? by @japon
Are the Japanese too disciplined? by @japon
Going to Japan without speaking Japanese? by @japon
Ueno, more than just a big park in Tokyo, by @japon


Japan is one place that I have, since childhood, wanted to visit. Maybe with my future girlfriend

You should go! Absolutely amazing! Expensive, but worth every penny!

Great post!

I've just returned from holidays in Tokyo. If you want to see some nice photos, please give a look at my blog.

I was also in Hong Kong and Macau. My favourite city was Tokyo, though.

i'm really in love with this wonderful country, love the way the beauild their houses, the way the dress, the nature, everything looks gorgoeus in this amazing country thansks for sharing.

Hey, Dear! You seem very creative! :) Great to have you here. Looking forward to your adventures!

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@vcelier, such a beauty to behold.

The People's culture is the People's essence.

Thanks for sharing

Saya suka postingnya

nice nice thank you @vcelier love you blog and vote and follow you.

It is right?!

Full of culture, people, colours and tradition.

wow very amazing post and culture also...
cool photography..... upvote this post ✌

The best thing about Japan is japanese culture and japanese clothing like kimono. Anyways Kimono have T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves. Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right. Anyways photography is awesome.

Japan seems really interesting, unfortunately I do not have the opportunity to visit it yet. Hopefully I would be able to someday. Also those pagodas looks really massive not to mention really beautiful. It would be nice to see them up close. Thanks for the interesting travel blog @vcelier. I know that this is from @japon's article but since I am new and haven't seen the original post and I cannot read French, I think you deserve credit for translating it for us non French speakers.

You should visiti it one day! It's such a beautiful country. I had the chance to visit it twice and i loved it!

I did not know that incense smoke can cure any body parts that hurts.

That amazing i so like the Japaneses culture they have wonderful and interesting history such a beautiful cloths and building and the people are so interesting i can never get enough from it

really mates of japan city is very beautiful, and people are very much.

This photo of yours reminiscing my days at kyoto before, I loved taking selfies too and It's an honor for me to experience wearing one of the kimono's at one of the studios at Kyoto. One example is at my avatar, thank you for sharing this and worth to resteem. 😊 konnichiwa tomadachi @vcelier san, arigatou gozaimasu.

Queet post

I've been to this place. :) resteemed.
I miss Asakusa. Such a vibrant culture-rich place.
I do hope to visit Japan again! Keep steeming your Japan trips @vcelier.
Followed you. thank you.

I live this history and culture. The magnificent building... Wow! Would love to visit and have a closer look for myself.
Tnx for this great information passed out here.
Have a pleasant weekend as you venture on more findings.

wow,great Photos👌👌

Tokyo is a very beautiful city. early this month i will go there ..

exceptionally astonishing post and culture moreover...

cool photography..... upvote this post

I like the way the writer painted a detailed picture of Asakusa in my mind.
I particularly appreciate the part of the buddhist temple.

The people of Japan spend fortunes building the temple for Buddha. Most times it is the most outstanding building in a particular community.
Some go to the extent of coating some parts of it with pure gold of high value.
This shows the seriousness mankind show when it comes to dealing with their god and it is absolutely amazing if you ask me.

You make you want to go to Japan, I will read your other posts!
Thanks for the French traduction!

@vcelier - I have a lot of memories there. Thanks for sharing! I do follow you. Arigato Gozaimasu!

What is a geisha please? nice article.

I can't wait for your adventures. Blessings

Excellent post for those of us who have not traveled to that beautiful and earthly land. Thank you for sharing Dream of getting to know Japan

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It looks like a really amazing place. I personally really love the architecture.

ooh Japon! i would like to be there

You took those pictures very well. They are beautiful.

Awesome post! Your photos are making me miss my time in Japan haha. I was also featured on Travel Japan Weekly Digest :) Lovely to meet you!!

I was so lucky to visit Japan twice. It's one of the most impressive countries I have visit! The culture is so polite, friendly and safe. And the food is amazing! After having sushi here, I didn't want to eat sushi any where else.

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An exciting holiday trip, perfect for removing the mind after a week's work.follow and vote me @hendrimirza

Great post! Follow me and i will follow you. I will auto upvote anyone who is following me.

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