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RE: Possibly The Best City In North America

in #travel2 years ago

In Montreal, when you tell someone you’re in the creative arts they immediately perk up and ask you what projects you’re working on with genuine interest.

I can call this culture difference. It could happen among countries or cities or even districts in the same country.

By the way, I prefer to go different places if I travel. However, if one has no option at that time, it would be okay ;)

My feet are still throbbing the next day

My feet used to become like that when I go to abroas and I missed it.


There's such a distinct difference between Montreal and where we're from. Here, the creative arts are baked in the culture and really appreciate. Maybe because of the French influence? My feet are still stinging and I think I'll be taking the pain home with me tomorrow as a souvenir. Lol.