Tips for Travels #2 : Making more efficient travel

in #travel6 years ago

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Hello everyone, I was start to talk about travel tips with my last post, Tips for Travels #1 : Before Traveling. Because I'm a traveller too and I want to share my thoughts for know yours. With this post, I will talk about some tips for you travels. I want to focus travel description in this post. Anyway, if you ready let's start!

If we want to travel we need to sure we know why we are doing this, why we need to do this. The answers are always a kind of minority. That's why in my perspective travel is a journey of finding answers. We can learn other mechanisms of life with our travels. For me, a travel should be efficient and informative for these reasons. Because travel is a empty road which going to find our life purpose. We can learn a lot of things in our travels. I don't like act like a turist, I always act and think like a student in my travels; to see life via different perspective, to learn life in this new city, to understant these people which rised with different culture.

To change... This is what I understand from travelling. Man isn't stationary under any circumstances, we mature in motion. I know people who have traveled the whole world but haven't been able to add anything to the mentality of the circle they grew up with, but there are also other kind people. They see, they feel, they change, they teach. Those who questioned in limited possibilities and those who have broadened the horizon. I want to be one of them, we should one of them. Travelling can help us to be better.

There are also "watching life" and "living" situations. You can listen to a lot of people, read what you write. This is realy important. But if you don't have your own experiences, they are all missing a little. We must define the world as best as possible with our own experience. Traveling is the most enjoyable method for this. To live beyond what we know, beyond what we are; changing and developing... This is the essence of life, to change. To evolve towards a better version. I think every traveller should have this kind an answer for question of why we should travel. Because we this answer will change your whole journey. For example I always talk with homeless people. They have a lot of and diffirent experience about life. They have their own story. Everybody have their own story. Listening to someone is really trainer. So, travelling shouldn't be just "go to club, take a selfie". Life has more than that. Just discover it!

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