
You don't have to stop developing this application ... we want it on the App Store next Christmas. Do you promise us?

Ill try with the mobile app ( unknown territory for me , but not too late to learn ! ) .... But from what i heard, App Store requires you to make a new company, bank account and an Apple developer account ( which costs 500 USD total ) for apps that help in crypto transactions ... not sure if terrive come in this because terrive doesn't do any crypto stuff ( it's best to leave that to the actual "wallets" for security reasons ) ... but i will try to make a mobile version !

Ok, thanks for the reply. I hope that things can improve and slowly have the funds to make the mobile application

Question, could TERRIVE posts go to a community? Maybe the TERRIVE community? This would make it possible to use it more frequently. Those who take care of their blog with certain topics, may not use TERRIVE to not show certain posts on their personal blog ... I hope I was clear, otherwise I will explain better.

I'm glad you asked about this ! I've been thinking about a "global" version of Terrive that shows all posts but puts them in an IG style ui ... The issue with posting in communities is that the profile page doesn't show any of the "re-blogs", Hive's api is like that :( .... So I might start on a seperate "global" version for long form content and communities ! It's not decided yet but i might start on this next month

Very well! TEERIVE I also used it today. Currently from desktop computer, entering the application with Hive Keychain, it works very well.

Awesome ! If you find any bugs please contact me !