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RE: Would you like to be mentioned when there is a post submission?

in #tribes4 months ago

you can add me to the list.

In general I prefer to have no one on the mention list as I do that in my giveaways. In my case, by doing that, I know people who come are only 2 types:

  1. People who generally check on my post, they know me or what I do
  2. Lucky bastards who just purely lucky being there that time

I can do what others do, making tag list as many as I can, tagging all previous participants... but I know I get only volume, and most of them might not care or even remember any of me... just comment something like count me in, or in this case just copy paste any URL of the post which has highest reward.

by not tagging any, you ask people to show effort... whether what you do, in this case CTPSB support, is meaningful to them or not...

just my 2 cents


I quite agree with you but the issue here is that there is only one post per month and if people miss it, then they may lose their support. I've added you to the list.