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RE: Over 200 Creators!! Big Updates, Tweaks, and Announcements on the Rapidly Growing @TribeSteemUp Project!

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

You know my blog is high quality, and is not just about “alcohol” and “stuff from Japan.”

Yes, and that's why I just said I will up-vote the other content, and not those things...

yourself said you had a new voting cap here, so that shouldn’t be an issue.

Exactly, and that was not the case when I took you off the list. Now that I have limits, I would still rather use the TSU voting power on specific posts of yours, not just the first 2 each day.

You praise a politician

I don't praise anyone, and I have actively said many times that I do not support any political activities (besides voting in self-defense like decriminalizing things), including Kokesh's campaign.

This passive aggressive response is laughable. You and Adam are two of the most disingenuous individuals I’ve come across here.

You are taking things that have literally 0 to do with you, from posts that don't mention you, and throwing a tantrum about them, making assumptions, and just generally being an ass.

Adam doesn’t support anyone. @jamesc, who I respect, does. Though it is amusing to watch the politician take credit for giving someone else’s money away.

Well, since James is trusting Adam with is SP, Adam is the one who made the decision to use that SP to support the tribe. Sounds exactly like capitalism to me.

Now, care to actually address the threats, etc, or will you keep slithering away

I have never slithered from anything, you keep coming and blowing up my posts with things that have nothing to do with me or my content, so I generally just ignore you. I do not condone or endorse using force or the threat of it against anyone. I've not seen anyone come forth claiming to be threatened, and will address it if I do.

I'm also muting you at this point, because I'm tired of wasting my time talking to the same brick wall about the same things that either don't exist or have nothing to do with me.


I've posted the screenshots, and will post them again, but now I am muted. Woops.



Liam is a nine year old kid, the child of Kokesh's former staffer, Angela Owens, who I am in direct communication with.

IMG_8794 2.JPG


I've also posted about Kokesh's upvoting of comments calling Larken Rose a Zionist Jew,

and calling for "hits" to be placed on people, even after I verified from the commentor, and made Kokesh aware that they referenced actual, non-joking, violence/killing.

You haven't re-added me to this community because I am a pain in your ass.

Address the threats. Address the call to drop the voluntaryist ideology. Not good for your social capital here? I though this was about "consciousness."