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RE: Anarchy | Empowerment & Freedom Through Off-Grid Living & Permaculture [TribeSteemUp Question]

I love how youve made it so personal! It feels a little revolutionary to look at it that way, but it makes so much sense! Truly making yourself beholden to as few people as possible and of course removing yourself from the toxic shitshow behind the curtain is critical. Also, like @riverflow said, that picture of Wren is so amazing, and also your ass is very wow.


It's funny cause I hadn't really considered myself an anarchist. When I do make it personal it makes a lot of sense indeed. The toxic shit show (well said) unfortunately effects us all as we all are exposed to glyphosate and other things like BPA and phalates. Living this life means less exposure to that and more to high vibing antioxidant rich abundance and wild game...

That butt is the products of countless hours "at the gym", aka homesteading.

I feel you. I always loved Utah Phillips but never really saw anarchy as a practical solution until my oldest who is crazy smart and very practical started talking about anarchocommunism. It's very interesting. Meanwhile, I've long considered myself a progressive/socialist, but now I'm very concerned about what's happening in democratic socialist countries in Northern Europe, and I'm also totally over politics and any idea of changing anything in a massive scale like that. The personalizing of it is so much of what I loved about what you said.

Maybe you should do a workout video. c;