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RE: America's Worst Case Scenario

in #trump4 years ago

You are quite right to acknowledge that this election is far from over and the GOP has Constitutional options available to it that would re-elect Trump.

You've also inspired me to write a lengthy reply that I have turned into a full post. Thanks

The State Legislatures have not only the Constitutional right, but the obligation, to make their own decision on the true will of the people when the vote count is either undecided or irrevocably tainted by fraud or illegality.


Yeah. I read your post. Picking random people and pretending that they are important. Claiming that there is voter fraud where even Republican judges disagree. Not recognizing the blatant voter suppression that manipulating the USPS caused. Claiming that no one can claim the election when Trump started early the morning after the election.

Your own words explain why the state legislatures shouldn't this. They should "make their own decision on the true will of the people when the vote count is either undecided or irrevocably tainted by fraud or illegality" -- but NONE of this has happened on the winning side (just the losing side).

I upvoted your post 100% and thanked you for inspiring my post.
Why are you downvoting my post?

One of the nice things about Hive is that one can have civil debate with people one disagrees with.

There is no other place I can find a rational Democrat to debate this with.

Talking about social norms, disagreement alone is not an acceptable reason for a downvote.

You are correct. Since this is a non-science debate -- I am willing to go against my oft-stated normal policy of down-voting cherry-picking, strawmen, and other rhetorical tactics (as pointed out at the beginning of both my replies). I have now up-voted. You have indeed been very reasonable in a most-often heated debate and I am more than willing to recognize that (however, I am not changing my policy of down-voting science-denying articles -- those are NOT "disagreement" when they employ rhetorical tactics and statistical games rather than honest debate). Humans are very susceptible to confirmation bias and group-think and need to check constantly to ensure that they haven't fallen prey to it.

Thank you. Agreed.