SEGREGATION - History Repeating

in #truth2 years ago

Back only 3 year ago, if someone had suggested that politicians and many citizens of any western nation would be introducing laws for the segregation of people based on any aspect, many, if not most would have probably replied with something along the lines of:

"Your are crazy" or "Your off your rocker mate"

Well, in 2020 and in 2021, numerous nations out there, particularly in "Western Democracies" literally not only brought about laws that were solely for the segregation of human beings, but also put those laws into practice.

Some did it in ways that seemed to be somewhat less dramatic, other governments did it outright to extremes of actually building facilities, such as camps, for these purposes.

I personally live in one such country, a "Western Democracy" that built and is still in the process of building facilities for the segregation of human beings.

As with every case of segregation through the course of history, the "leaders" try to justify their laws and actions with all sorts of "rationale". So much so that many citizens start to agree with segregation being legalized and enforced. Saw it, lived it, am still living it.

How far have we "advanced" as humanity?

idk, but technological advancements can't replace morality and immorality, these terms are not interchangeable and when someone talks about "advancements" and how "this generation of people on this planet is better than the generations of yesteryear", ask yourself:

"Did the generations of yesteryear work towards the outright disapproval of segregation of human beings on any basis?"

I'll even give you a couple of pointers to find the answer to that question:

i) Look up "Universal Declaration of Human Rights"


ii) Look up "Nuremberg codes"

You will find the answer there.

I bet that most politicians supporting segregation, just like most people who are supporting it or simply accepting it as "the new norm" won't direct you to those two "pointers" when they are trying to "justify" their thoughts, words and actions.


Do you accept segregation of human beings?

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There is such cognitive dissonance that the Israeli Health Minister (who is openly gay) boasted about giving women the right to choose regarding abortion (which actually kills a living thing) in the same post which celebrates his discrimination against people exercising another aspect of the right of bodily autonomy- the right to decide what is put into your body.

Gay rights, abortion rights, even the right to change your gender are celebrated but they far more basic right to refuse medical treatment is punished.

Over the past 4,000 years, we have historical accounts of human history, handed down in writing from one generation to the next. So when someone claims that "this generation is better than the past generation of humans", they clearly haven't noticed where that arrogance has always lead to and ended with throughout the course of human history. Every time, 100% proven track record.

Not much more needs to be added to that, except: "God help us".