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RE: Coming Soon - The BlueOrgy UpVote Initiative - For The Betterment Of Steemit!

And the mad genius presents another amazing opportunity for their fellow Steemsters while yet again showcasing their intrinsic love for the community and it's members.
It's users such as @blueorgy @randowhale and the other "high rollers" who constantly give back to the community that I aspire to be like. Generosity is contagious (unless you're a sociopath) and I believe it plays an important role in the growth of this thing of ours we call Steemit.
Thanks and praise for your persistent time and dedication to making Steemit the best social media platform period. I have a lot of ideas that need to be transcribed in to blog posts and it's my hope that I am happy enough with what I've created to submit it for The Upvote Initiative. Regardless, I will be kicking some SBD your way as a show of support for the cause.
Regards. V
p.s. I love the new icon!!!


Very kind words @viktorcapulet thank you! Hopefully once I get this going it could actually get some people who haven't seen much in the way of rewards get motivated to keep posting and giving back and getting back to the community.