Translation English to Bahasa Indonesia - Crdroid - 100%

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


Project Details

CrDroid is a free AOSP / LineageOS Android based ROM,
bringing a lot of custom features ported from AOSPA,
SlimRoms, OmniRom and many others great roms out there
crDroid brings what Android have of most advanced
in terms of customization and stability!

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language

Bahasa Indonesia

I translated about 606 words so far and no more word to translate again.

Almost all of the words translated have been approved by the owner.

Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 606

Proofread Words

596 words appoved by the owner.

Previous translation on the same project

**Number of words translated on the project before this report **: 0

Screenshot of my contribution :

Screenshot :

Sample words of my translation :

Saat dalam mode sunting, tekan sedang dan seret sebuah tombol untuk mengganti posisinya atau tekan lama sebuah tombol untuk melihat menu sunting. Posisi tombol mungkin berubah saat menu ditampilkan.\n\nMengatur sebuah tindakan ketukan ganda akan menunda ketukan tunggal sesaat. cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:40 AM Undo
Membuka editor tombol bilahPintar cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:35 AM Undo
Memulai mode edit cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:34 AM Undo
Bilah Navigasi yang disesuaikan sepenuhnya cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:34 AM Undo
Pengaturan bilahPintar cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:33 AM Undo
BilahPintar cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:33 AM Undo
Meluncurkan pengaturan pemilah cadangan bilahNavigasi cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:33 AM Undo
Pengaturan bilahNav persediaan cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:31 AM Undo
Selesai cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:30 AM Undo
Tinggi lansekap cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:30 AM Undo
Lebar lansekap cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:30 AM Undo
Tinggi potret cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:30 AM Undo
Ukuran bilah cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:29 AM Undo
Jaraki blok cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:29 AM Undo
Ukuran blok cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:29 AM Undo
Spasi bilah cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:29 AM Undo
Lebar bilah cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:29 AM Undo
Sinkronisasi warna dengan album seni. Menimpa Lampu Lava dan keburaman garis. cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:29 AM Undo
Warna Pulsa otomatis cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:27 AM Undo
Keburaman Tombol bilahPintar pada Pulsa cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:26 AM Undo
Pengaturan mode garis padat cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:25 AM Undo
Gesek bawah vertikal cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:23 AM Undo
Gesek atas vertikal cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:23 AM Undo
Gesekan lansekap kiri cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:22 AM Undo
Gesekan potret kanan cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:22 AM Undo
Gesekan potret kiri cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:21 AM Undo
Gesekan potret kanan cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:21 AM Undo
Lansekap cr_strings.xml Indonesian 10:21 AM Undo

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.

Hi @edhimuryanto;

  • You must translate a minimum of 1000 words per translation contribution.
  • You could translate less than the minimum amount of words if the project itself has less to be translated in total. May lead to a lower vote.

Words are also translated inconsistently.Link 1,Link 2.

You can contact us on Discord.

I can not translate any more words because there is no more words to translate (at the time I post).
About the the inconsistently, I have give another sugesstion/translation.

If there any more inconsistency, please let me know, so I can fix it.
Sorry for this inconsistency.