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RE: Tutorial: Building a web app with React, Redux, and the Steem Javscript API, PART 1

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

I thank you for your contribution. Here are my thoughts on your post;

  • As @aneilpatel stated, it would be nice to see creative techniques. You achieved your curriculum's main goal as it was using steem.js in React. So, instead of showing every function of steem.js, you can show creative techniques which are special to React and can be used with steem.js.

  • Explaining the functions those special to React would be nice. For example, you could explain what componentDidMount does by 2 sentences. I don't want you to write down the whole documentation here as a filler content. But, quick explanations would be nice. Be consider them next time, please.

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