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RE: The Vaccine Killing Girls and Boys in the Name of Fighting Cancer

in #vaccines7 years ago

This is so scary because my kids are in their teens now, and when they were little, I had no idea about how bad these vaccines were and so they were vaccinated. Now I know how terrible these vaccines are and most of the prescription drugs. It really brakes my heart to see all the moms give their babies and kids all these vaccines and prescription drugs. About a year ago I was introduced to essential oils, which I will be forever grateful. I replaced all of the synthetical medicine in my medicine cabinet with these powerful oils. It was the best decision and investment for your and your families health, and now I share and teach others about these amazing oils. But I really enjoyed your post and learned a bit more about the vaccines and how pharmaceutical industry works.


There's so much to understand about vaccines... I'm still learning. The quick reactions to the vaccines are one thing and scary enough but when we have such an epidemic of ill health even later in life, you have to wonder if vaccines have cause some of the damage. There's lots of other factors that play into disease, of course, like not exercising and eating toxic food but viruses and other vaccine ingredients are nothing to turn a blind eye too.

That's great you're sharing this information about essential oils.... I love how they smell and I clean with them but I have not learned much about them for health purposes. Thanks for pointing this out, I'm reading your post on them now :)

Yes. Is in it beautiful how we are still learning every day of our lives, even though when it comes to your health, I wish I knew all the answers because it is so scary and so many times we question ourselves what is the right thing to do.
I will make much more posts about the health benefits of these essential oils because my first video I didn't say much. Like yourself most people use the oils just for smell or cleaning, but like I said I take these oils daily internally and topically for my immune system, and just your physical, mental or emotional wellness.

Yes, I know what you mean. I've been research health for years and years and still have so much to learn. Just when I think I have found the right answers, then more information comes along and I question it. I definitely want to know more about essential oils. I am not very familiar with diluting them for direct use on the skin, or for ingesting. It's a very interesting area of health to learn more about