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RE: Conditioning the Masses for a Political Savior

in #vampiresquid6 years ago

Man did trump lose weight! It is just like what you said, just one big reality show. Since way far back, during World War 2, USA and Germany were on opposite sides, that is what they said in school, but they were actually holding hands under the table. Who is most known during world war 2? Hitler. That is all what people know, but most do not know that someone named Prescott Bush, is the one that funded the rise of Hitler, without him there would be no Hitler.

Three small facts about Prescott Bush:

  1. American Politician
  2. Banker
  3. Father of President George H. W. Bush

I think this sums it all up, no voting in the US was actual voting, this explains a load of other things, can jet fuel melt steel beams? it is all one MASSIVE tv show with more episodes than the Bold and the Beautiful.