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RE: BEWARE: Babylon Falls - The Great Collapse Comes

in #video2 years ago

It is pretty foolish to expect Machiavellian psychopaths who have engineered the ongoing global collapse to secure their parasitic pipeline of power to fail to anticipate resistance and fail to prepare controlled opposition that will extend the dependence of people on their utterly traitorous governments. It's ok to agree with the rhetoric of politicians that seek to prevent humanity from adopting decentralized means of production that will eliminate parasitic losses we have suffered during these last millenia as technology was transitioning from the Stone Age to the Space Age, but it's fatal to be lulled into a false sense of security and remain dependent on WEF minions for your prosperity and felicity.

Free men make their freedom.

Be free. Roll your own prosperity and felicity, because it is absolutely crystal clear that collectivization is being maximized to secure the power and profane prosperity of parasitic psychopaths. Seize the means of production suitable to your personal circumstances without delay, and cut your losses while you can deploy economic power to transition from dependence to independence, or you will remain dependent on malignant overlords. Contribute materially to the community you are part of to advance their wealth and freedom and recruit dependable friends and neighbors to the cause: creating the coming paradise prophesied by ancient seers in which humanity will deliver abundant life throughout the infinite, barren universe and enjoy their good company in prosperity and felicity in perpetuity.